

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


Franklin Otorofani, Esq.

Social Crusader, Attorney and Public Affairs' Analyst

The Road to Wealth–Why We Are Poor (Part One)

By Franklin Otorofani

There is so much weeping and wailing in the land about economic conditions all over Africa, and quite frankly, even in the so-called developed countries as well lately, due to the lingering global economic recession. Admittedly, some countries are worse off than others, but none is entirely free of its ravages—not even close. It’s only a matter of degrees of hardships from one country to another. The difference in the degree to which nationals of affected nations are impacted by the global recession lies in the presence or absence of social welfare programs to cushion the hardships. While by tradition, impacted individuals tend to rely on extended family structure in African nations, for example, in less traditional societies in the West where government is everything, the responsibility invariably falls on the government. Even so, millions of their poor citizens, who fall through the cracks of social welfare programs suffer economic hardships manifesting in homelessness amongst other social ills. (San Fran Wants Homeless to Leave Tent Camp, but Some Vow to Fight…).

In New York City alone, there are officially close to 70,000 homeless people in public shelters that could be accounted for, but probably that many are out there in the streets unaccounted for officially, because they’re hard to track and pulled into government shelters are dens of criminality. Recently the New York State governor Andrew Cuomo, was forced to issue an executive order mandating municipal officials to forcibly remove homeless people from the streets when the winter temperatures fall below freezing point which is 32% F. Drastic measure, no doubt, but absolutely necessary to avoid unnecessary deaths in the brutally cold winter temperatures such as occurred this last weekend. Over in San-Francisco, California, homeless people are being cleared out to make the city clean for visitors coming for a major sporting events. They don’t want the embarrassment and must therefore make haste to hide their homeless population before visitors’ arrival for the Super Bowl. See: San Francisco Clears Out Homeless Ahead Of The Super Bowl See also, Homeless Woman Gives Birth In SUBWAY Bathroom, Leaves Baby In ; Poverty up, services diminished in Chicagos

With that said, it’s time for a long overdue reality checks and some home truths for the younger generation. It’s time to get rid of illusions and delusions about the world we live in. Yes, it’s time to displace wishful idealism with a heavy dose of hardnosed realism. It’s time to face the real world as is not the make believe one of socialist theoretical constructs and imaginations of daydreamers. Practically and realistically, life is not a bed of roses but the school of hard knocks, whether you live in developing or developed countries. The good news though is that you can make it anywhere you find yourself, because wealth creation is not a geographical point on a map but an attitude of mind living within YOU. Folks, it’s as simple as that. Truth is not complicated. All you have to do is cultivate the right attitude (positive) and everything falls into place albeit gradually, but surely. Pointing fingers at others and playing the blame game is the wrong attitude to life in general, and won’t get you far in life or anywhere near where you want to be.

In this series, therefore, I intend to share some serious thoughts with our youths generally in Africa, and particularly in Nigeria, who are either getting in or getting out of higher education with their heads stuffed with fanciful academic theories and little experience in life, and about to be confronted with the real world—“Realville”—apology to the American talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Throughout their higher educational careers they have been busy sponging up on fanciful theories of wealth redistribution spun by doctrinaire robotic academia rather than wealth creation. It’s indeed a matter for regret that our publicly funded institutions of higher learning are bristling with opportunistic rabble rousing, wealth redistributionists rather than practical, level headed realists and wealth creationists. And you wonder why there are endless cries of unemployment and acute poverty in the land? Why wonder? Who is creating the wealth when our graduating youths have learnt nothing and therefore know nothing about wealth creation? How can there be employers when our educational system is only producing employees? There can be no employees without employers in the first place. And there can be no wealth redistribution without wealth in the first place.

Here, I’m not just concerned about African, but black youths in general. How, for example, could black youths in the United States be wealth creators when their leaders, including President Obama, Al-Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and indeed the entire Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are busy telling them that they have no future in the United States due to racism in the “American DNA”? How can they become serious players in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street when their leaders despise and demonize wealth creation as an evil to be avoided like a plague and instead seek ways to dispossess the rich and redistribute their wealth to fund food stamps for the poor? It’s not going to happen, period. Until blacks master the ropes in wealth creation, they will continue to be AWOL in the citadels of capitalism, including Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and corporate boardrooms, just to name but a few. Until they refocus their energies from hating the rich to learning from the rich, they will never be rich but remain in poverty. Those black youths who quietly ignored the banal rhetoric of the race merchants in the black leadership and wisely chose the path of wealth creation, are the successful ones with name brand commercial enterprises to their names rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers of the American society. They don’t see themselves as victims but capitalists and wealth creators just like their fellow citizens. Yes they’re not looking for government monthly welfare handouts!

The general theme of the series, therefore, is—you guessed right—wealth creation, which alone creates real jobs as opposed to civil service jobs and political appointments. The truth of the matter is that governments—and I don’t care which country—don’t produce wealth but rather regulate wealth and its creation. In an ideal free market economy, therefore, it’s the job of the citizenry, not government to create jobs. By regulation is meant all those governmental activities geared towards the establishment and enforcement of base rules for the management of economic activities in a given polity. This is where the youths and citizens in general come into the picture prominently. It’s the quantum of economic activities of ordinary citizens that drive the economy and move it forward. Those who look up to the government for jobs have already missed the economic train.

Now when the entity, which regulates wealth and its creation becomes wealth creator itself, there arises serious conflict of interests, which ipso facto, prevents it from effectively creating and/or regulating wealth and its creation, eventually undermining the economy in the long run. A regulator cannot impartially and effectively regulate itself and others at the same time and thus become a judge in its own cause. This is what usually happens in communist countries that caused the demise of the USSR and its socialist satellite states in Eastern Europe. And that’s why all socialist nations end up poor and beggarly. I’m urging the African youth therefore, to utterly discard those anachronistic, utopian Marxist theories stuffed into their rather idealistic and impressionable heads by bearded campus Marxists/Leninists, who have not produced a single job nor wealth all their lives, but full of wealth redistribution theories, and get real with real life.

As former British PM Margaret Thatcher once said, socialism is great until it runs out of other people’s monies, because it is by nature utterly incapable of producing wealth itself. This ideological debriefing is absolutely necessary for the aspiring wealth producer and therefore the starting point on the road to wealth. A proper mental reorientation is the foundation upon which all other endeavors must rest. As an aside, this is what has been conspicuously missing in the current Obama administration in the United States that has left Americans, particularly African-Americans, gasping for air and seething in misdirected anger, because it turns out Obama is, like all socialists, a wealth redistributionist rather than wealth creationist that millions had hoped for but found missing in the last seven years.

With that said, the prevalence of poverty in society raises the age-old question as to why this social condition exists in the first place. The question then is why is there poverty in the citadel of capitalism and the world wealthiest nation? Why are some nations super wealthy and others dirt poor? Why are certain racial groups super rich and others dirt poor? Why are some individuals within nations super wealthy and others dirt poor? And coming back home, why is the African continent and blacks in general dirt poor and at the bottom of the economic ladder? Why are blacks in every multi-racial country at the bottom of the social and economic ladder and constituted themselves into objects of charity and pity, relying on government programs and handouts? The conditions of blacks in Brazil and Mexico are the same as those in the United States, India, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and yes all black nation of Haiti, being the poorest nation in all of the Americas. Why are African leaders always in Western capitals clutching the begging bowl for one financial aid or another in the midst of abundant natural resources crying for development in their home countries? Why? Why? Why?

These are questions that have agitated the minds of philosophers for centuries from diverse ideological standpoints from Adam Smith in “Wealth of Nations” to Karl Marx in “Das Capital” and everybody else in between. And the answers is not nearer today than it was when it was first raised centuries ago. There is reason for that: political demagogues have from time immemorial positioned themselves to exploit the poor in order to perpetually maintain themselves in power. The Democratic Party in the United States, for example, feeds on poverty. If feeds itself off the poor and the needy the population of whom it must, by deliberate policy and actions, expand in order to have a permanent voting bloc from one generation to another. Democratic Party’s immigration policy, while pretending to be humanitarian, is therefore geared towards recruiting poor immigrants from Latin America to fuel its ranks because they will always vote for it without fail, come rain come shine. It is classical case of you rub my back I rub your back.

Now if you were to pose these questions to the average black politician in the US, his stock answer would be: blame the system—racism and what’s not. What he cannot answer is why other racial groups such as Jews, Asians, Latinos/Hispanics and Arabs, are getting ahead in the US leaving African Americans behind? His simplistic finger pointing simply begs the question rather than addressing it. It is a political rather than economic answer, one that is designed to cast blacks as victims of the system to be pitied and helped with government politically motivated welfare programs rather than as masters of their own fate like every other racial group. For him slavery has not ended but well and alive. He must maintain this myth in order to remain politically relevant in the black community and hold on to power, all the while rubbing shoulders with whites in the halls of power. While he condemns wealth, he plays the same capitalist game with his white counterparts and make himself and his family nice and comfortable.

Therefore, it is not how much the system (capitalism) has failed blacks anywhere but how much blacks have failed the system wherever it is practiced. When you have black leaders like Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al-Sharpton and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) demeaning wealth creators and beating the drums of welfare programs for blacks this is what you get. Blacks are simply reaping what they sowed. You sow corn you reap corn. You sow wealth you reap wealth. You sow poverty you reap poverty. Promoting welfare programs at the expense of wealth creation is tantamount to sowing poverty in the black community and therefore impossible to reap wealth. Again it’s a simple law of sowing and reaping. This is why we are poor—over dependence on government! This might be shocking to African youths enjoying no social welfare programs but who nevertheless for the most part look up to the government to create jobs for them after graduation..

To eliminate poverty, therefore, is to eliminate the Democratic Party altogether from the face of the earth. It cannot survive a day longer in power. Tackling poverty is not so complicated an undertaking. Its politicians that make it sound like mission impossible. Former President Jefferson Clinton, reformed the welfare system to encourage work and in the process reduce poverty in America. Now I read some black writers attacking him for taking welfare from the mouths of black people. That is the problem. When people are weaned on welfare they live and die by it and therefore see work as a huge burden if not punishment for them.

The road to wealth therefore begins with creating wealth. Wealth here means anything of economic value—a product or service or both of economic value. And just to make sure, wealth goes beyond mere salary. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with salaried work if the pay is good, especially in an environment of high unemployment. But that should not be the end of it if you want to create wealth for yourself and family. You CANNOT become wealthy with salary alone. It will not happen. You must learn the rules and rudiments of capitalism and profit by them. Unfortunately as indicated above, political demagogues in the United States have prevented African Americans from learning the rules of capitalism and profiting from them. They have instead demonized capital and capitalists and sought to steer their peoples away from it while they themselves engage in it with ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments in their portfolios.

Wall Street, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, have only a smattering of African Americans and so are the boardrooms of US Corporation compared to other racial groups, which is such a shame. Now unable to compete on merits black leaders like Al-Sharpton are now demanding quota system in the Academy Awards, just like in college admissions which is based on Affirmative Action! It’s clear these are people who are not ready for life. There are hardly black venture capitalists that drive business start-ups. Wealth cannot be created in the absence of venture capitalists and investors. Sad to note blacks are not currently in the game and if they’re not showing on the radar screen as yet—minimal/insignificant presence. The place to find blacks prominently where they dominate is on welfare rolls and other public assistance and prison cells where they routinely rotate in and out. They have the highest school dropout rates and lowest test scores in national tests. They have the highest number of broken marriages in proportion to their share of the entire population and families with children out of wedlock, many not even knowing their fathers. This is hardly an environment for wealth creation.

Blacks in their mother continent of Africa are similarly at the bottom of the pond in their own countries where they’re in the majority in country after country, namely: Sudan, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Angola. They’re the dregs of society in Mexico, India, Cuba, and the rest of Latin America and Brazil, just to mention but a few nations. .Want to know why? It’s not due to racism or colonialism as black leaders would have you believe. They have been left behind because they’re still clinging to feudalist economic mode that has been left behind for centuries. Failure of blacks to embrace capitalism for wealth creation is chiefly responsible for their poverty above anything else. You cannot prosper in a capitalist system by being alienated from it. Folks, it’s not rocket science. Wealth circulates amongst those who create and cherish it, not those who are alienated from it. Forbes Magazine recently celebrated Nigeria’s Dangote as Africa’s richest man worth more than ten billion dollars. He’s easily the richest black man in the world besting his peers in the United States itself. How did he get there? Capitalism of course! He learnt the rules and profited hugely from them. There are black millionaires and billionaires in Africa and the United States that had learned the rules and rudiments of capitalism and profited hugely from them. If they can make it anybody can as well.

Please don’t cry to me about racism or the system preventing you from getting ahead creating wealth because I have no ears for excuses. I have a better idea for you: How about leaving that for the Barack Obamas, Jesse Jacksons and Al-Sharptons, the political demagogues and rabble rousers of the black community in the United States looking for excuses to exploit and profit from? Excuse is not a plan of action and it gets nobody anywhere in life. Wealth creation is a matter of attitude. There are economic opportunities everywhere you look if you know what to look for and how to get it. That is the most critical part—training in recognizing opportunities then turning them into wealth creation machines.

But first you must cut out the idle charter and depressing noise from political demagogues and naysayers trading in negativities. Attitudes matter. Keep negative people at your arms’ length or at best simply ignore them with their perpetual whining and complaining. They’re mental obstacles and roadblocks to the fulfillment of your ambitions that must therefore be removed from your pathway. When you read the stories/biographies of the life of millionaires and billionaires of today, they didn’t start big nor inherited huge wealth. They started small, some from their garages or corner store, like the giant US Walmart stores, for example, started by an individual from a corner store in the street. That story is replicated the giant PC Richards electronic stores and others in corporate America. Apple, HP, Microsoft, UPS, Google, Sony Corporation, Dangote, and many others around you were started by individuals just like you. With hard work, they turned the tables to become the giants that they are today, employing hundreds of millions of their fellow citizens and giving them a living.

You too can. But remember, you’ve got only a certain amount of time in this world and every bit of it should be well spent improving your circumstances not whining and complaining and huffing and puffing at the failures of government and others. Do not dwell on the failures of others including the government of the day, but look instead for how you can profit from such failure because every failure presents an opportunity for success. Going abroad is not the answer either because there are poor people abroad too—in fact millions of them are in extreme poverty unable to feed themselves and their families.

Don’t take this as an attempt to discourage you from going abroad but a friendly, albeit unsolicited advice from one who has seen it all. It doesn’t mean there are no success stories. But for every one success story there are hundreds of failures. Let me just say it’s a game of luck for immigrants—hit and miss like everywhere else. One thing is certain however and needs to be addressed right away: if you’re presently incapable of identifying, recognizing and profiting from economic opportunities around you where you have lived all your life, and spending all your time whining and complaining about how bad things are, chances are you won’t be able to recognize similar opportunities abroad in a totally strange land. And you likely will find more than one reason to whine and complaint abroad as well, because there is no perfect place on earth ruled by man—I don’t care where.

In the end you might wind up just going with the flow, living from paycheck to paycheck as many Africans find themselves caught up in the grind with little returns worth all the troubles. Just don’t sell your father’s house to go abroad, seriously. It’s not worth it. This could be the best advice you’ve ever received. It is not enough to live abroad living from paycheck to paycheck. It is not even enough to ride a car and own a home abroad on mortgage. Are there success stories of African immigrants in the Diaspora? Absolutely, just as there are success stories of Africans back home in Africa. Millions of Africans have created enormous wealth at home employing and mastering the rules of the capitalist game more than any African immigrant can ever dream of abroad. This is the hard truth not fantasies.

This piece is beyond living from paycheck to paycheck. It’s about creating wealth for real. Wealth can be created anywhere and everywhere and you’re better off starting off right where you are right now than daydreaming about going abroad and other distractions. Yes, it takes some self-discipline and rational thinking to get ahead in life. Cut out the fads and fantasies about living abroad and get real. Life is not a bed of roses anywhere, and I mean anywhere. Don’t fall for fads. There are no guarantees of better life abroad even for the citizens much less immigrants. I’m just shooting straight here based on hard facts and experience with no embellishments and you can either take it or leave it. Brainstorm, read wide, research, find opportunities and go for them. One of them could take root and rocket you from there. The entire world could become your playground afterwards. Dare to create wealth even as a hobby. The feeling is exhilarating and fulfilling.

Government failures? Fine. Don’t sweat it. You only have two viable options in the matter: 1. Get into politics and run for office to fix things up; 2. Get into business and turn the government failings into economic opportunities, whether they’re about bad roads, blackouts, dysfunctional educational and healthcare systems, corruption, insecurity of life and property—you name it. Each one of these presents great economic opportunity and there are literally thousands of them out there waiting to be fixed. Sniff them out and design an action plan to fix them up, one at a time starting obviously with the little ones around you to the biggies. Take a page from the politician out of power who not only criticizes those in government for their failures but seeks to exploit their failures by presenting solutions to the electorate. Think Nigeria’s former president Goodluck Jonathan. Think Mohammadu Buhari, the president leader who exploited Jonathan’s failures particularly on national security to gain power, and he’s moving to address it. That is the mindset that should be applied to all governmental failures and profit from them rather than just complaining and whining endlessly and doing nothing.

This is why I don’t want to hear people complaining about lack of opportunities in Nigeria and Africa in general. How can a developing country and continent crying for development not have economic opportunities, for crying out loud? It’s illogical and contradiction in terms. Truth is that people are not exploring and seizing available opportunities that stare them in their faces everywhere they turn! On the contrary, they’re waiting on other people to do the heavy lifting for them only for them to turn around and start complaining of lack of opportunities. Solution: They require training and be properly equipped to identify and seize opportunities. It’s the infrastructure of success. Like hunting dogs they will be able to sniff opportunities in the air and pounce on them as they come—in other words, developing business sense—the sixth sense which needs to be opened up.

In concluding this part of the essay, let me leave you with the immortal words of the pioneer Negro writer and capitalist, Booker T. Washington, a freed slave and probably one of the first black capitalists in the United States, in his 1895 Atlanta Speech—the much celebrated “Cast down your bucket where you are,” speech, which was regarded as pacifist by some radical militant political activists of the time in the molds of the present Boko Haram, OPC, MEND and MOSSAB in Nigeria, but embraced by others as down-to-earth thoughtful and pragmatic.

Pacifist? Tell that to the nation that celebrates and idolizes him. Well Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr who came after Booker T. Washington was similarly labeled a pacifist too, for adopting Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent protest style that effectively disarmed white supremacists and liberated blacks. Today, he has a national holiday in his name and regarded as black god. I would therefore commend Washington’s speech to the readership as excerpted below:

“A ship lost at sea for many days suddenly sighted a friendly vessel. From the mast of the unfortunate vessel was seen a signal, “Water, water; we die of thirst!” The answer from the friendly vessel at once came back, “Cast down your bucket where you are.” A second time the signal, “Water, water; send us water!” ran up from the distressed vessel, and was answered, “Cast down your bucket where you are.” And a third and fourth signal for water was answered, “Cast down your bucket where you are.” The captain of the distressed vessel, at last heeding the injunction, cast down his bucket, and it came up full of fresh, sparkling water from the mouth of the Amazon River. To those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land or who underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the Southern white man, who is their next-door neighbor, I would say: “Cast down your bucket where you are”— cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded”.

“Cast it down in agriculture, mechanics, in commerce, in domestic service, and in the professions. And in this connection it is well to bear in mind that whatever other sins the South may be called to bear, when it comes to business, pure and simple, it is in the South that the Negro is given a man’s chance in the commercial world, and in nothing is this Exposition more eloquent than in emphasizing this chance. Our greatest danger is that in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of our hands, and fail to keep in mind that we shall prosper in proportion as we learn to dignify and glorify common labour, and put brains and skill into the common occupations of life; shall prosper in proportion as we learn to draw the line between the superficial and the substantial, the ornamental gewgaws of life and the useful. No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top. Nor should we permit our grievances to overshadow our opportunities.”


Franklin Otorofani is a Nigerian-trained attorney and public affairs analyst resident in the United States



Obama: Last Address of Wasted Presidency

By Franklin Otorofani

Finally, and I mean finally, with acute sense of betrayal and disappointment welling up inside of me, and I would dare to suppose, millions around the world, the end is, not just near, but right here knocking furiously and petulantly on the doors of the White House, intent on and eager to take its principal inmate hostage, bind and consign him to the graveyard of history where he rightly belongs in a short order as Obama delivers his last state of the union presidential address.
Finally, the much ignored, abused and debased US constitution under the Obama administration will have the last word and there is not a damned thing Obama and his Democratic liberal locusts can do about it. Damn right! The presidential journey is coming to a screeching halt–Thank God!
Do I sound a little bitter here in my choice of words and phraseology? You bet I do, and it’s on purpose too. I write these bitter words not necessarily to despise or malign anybody least of all Obama as such, because it is in the end not personal, but to give adequate vent and the fullest expression to my innermost sense of bitterness and outrage at yet another failure and betrayer of the black race.
Stop and think about it for a brief moment what even a mild success of the Obama presidency in America would have done to the psyche of African-Americans in particular and the black race in general, across the globe. The positive impacts would have been immeasurable and reverberating, trans-continentally.
Needless to add that the reverse is the case today due to his inept leadership, with Obama being caricatured in newspapers and mocked across the globe as a disaster in leadership, including I might add, in the Arab world by otherwise friendly nations.
He is a lesson on how not to be a leader but a follower in areas that matter the most  to his fellow Americans in particular, and the world in general—defense, economy, security, safeguard of freedoms and liberties, and US standing in the world, which has taken a severe beating since Obama came to power.
So, if today, Democratic presidential candidates in the persons of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are complaining bitterly about income inequality, and the plight of the middle class in America in their debates and campaign stumps, they should look at the mirror, and tell us what they see. Obama!
If today, America and the world have become more dangerous and insecure with Islamic terrorists popping up and running amok everywhere, they should summon up the courage and ask Obama what the hell is going on? Apology to Donald Trump!  
And if today African-Americans are mad and bitter about their conditions, they should look at the mirror and tell the world what they see. Obama, of course! Believe it or not he is their biggest problem while they look everywhere else to blame it on. It’s right up their alley!
Yes, I’m talking about Obama, first black president of the United States, and probably for a long time to come who has completely made a mess of the historical opportunity bestowed on him to make the black man and black race proud.
Never in the history of man was so much given to one man but so little received in return. Never! It is beyond disappointment. It is betrayal of leadership. In the end, however, it was a promise and appointment founded on the quicksand of hope and expectations rather than on the solid grits and nuggets of realism.
The presidential exit door of the White House is now cracked open for the Obama presidency, now nervously navigating its fated lame-duck phase, into political irrelevance and eventual oblivion as the frenetic political jockeying for the 2016 presidential primaries by a slew of candidates currently dominated by Secretary Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party on the one hand, and real estate mogul Donald Trump of the Republican Party, on the other, picks up speed, entering the critical, make-or break phase next month in the famed Iowa Caucus where both political victories and funerals alike are celebrated.
Even so Obama is still fighting for political relevance in these last hours, telling his aides to remain on the offensive, and preparing, as has been speculated in the media, a slew of illegal executive orders, having failed abysmally in his legislative agenda from immigration to gun control. And you want to ask: what time is it, Mr. President? It’s long past time, sir! He should be getting ready to move out of the people’s house honorably without making any fuss or scheming, and not holding over as a bad tenant after eviction notice has been duly served. Shouldn’t he?
No, he couldn’t care less and dares anybody to push him out and threatening to unleash a barrage of executive orders on his way out to annoy and stiff his political adversaries. He seems uncaring and unperturbed that almost all of his executive orders have been declared unconstitutional and illegal by the courts, including those headed even by liberal judges who are ordinarily unprofessionally, and  shamelessly beholden to the Democratic Party as its judicial arm of sorts.
Now, what use are illegal executive orders hurriedly cooked up on the way out? Well, to create the image of “doing something” after spending eight years in power doing nothing! Politics after all is a game of impressions rather than substance and no one understands this better than politicians who pretend to be a cut above the rest of the bunch when they are all the same pandering, posturing, good-for-nothing ego-trippers ridding on the back of the people to power.
So long as liberals see Obama running around playing golf, vacationing endlessly in choice places around the globe on taxpayers’ dime, doing fundraising for his party and candidates, and issuing phony executive orders that would be overturned by the courts, he’s doing something. Oh yes, he is! Or is he not?
So he barrels on nevertheless, hoping that one illegal executive order or another just might pass through either undetected or only slightly modified by the courts. He’s fighting for his place in history by hook or crook. Sorry, too late. Illegality will not grant him an honorable but a bad spot in history. Such brazen executive lawlessness by one who preached rule of law, honesty and sincerity of purpose in governance coming in, is one of the detestable hallmarks of the Obama administration. There is no substitute for rule of law and due process in a constitutional democracy anywhere in the world much less the United States.
One schooled in the rule of law should not be the one to undermine it, but to uphold and nurture it as has always been the case in 300 years and by his predecessors in office. Otherwise there would be no United States of America to lead if the rule of law and due process meant nothing in America. Well, they mean something, in fact, everything as the entire system is hanging on them by the threads. That delicate balance of power must be maintained by all the players at all times. It’s a sacred duty and trust reposed in them by their fellow citizens.
The doctrine of separation of powers, which undergird the presidential system seems completely lost on Obama who was busy railing against President GW Bush as a dictator, accusing him of compelling Americans to choose between their civil rights and security. Oh what a phony! Obama is now the “Spying Eye” on his fellow Americans way beyond what Bush could ever have dreamt of in his NSA surveillance program; prying into the private telephone and email records of private citizens on US soil, not just foreigners, in the name of war on terror. He’s the one now telling Americans to choose between security and their civil liberties!
The candidate who assailed GW Bush for “burdening our children with debts” has wound up amassing more debts than all three former US presidents put together, and ballooned the national debt from 11 trillion under Bush to 19 trillion dollars today, and counting, all by himself without batting an eye. He came, he saw and he squandered, spending like a drunken sailor what others had produced, and mortgaging the future of American children to debts, misery and hopelessness.
In survey after survey, American youths are now saying that the American dream taken for granted by their forebears is now a pipe dream beyond their reach. Many are unable to leave their parents’ homes in the face of dwindling economic opportunities, stuck with student loans overhang and acute joblessness. This is not the America that inspires and attracts the world but one that repels it.
All of which is enough to drive a true leader crazy and focus on solutions rather than chasing shadows like global warming and fanciful social engineering projects for feminists and the likes. The man has completely lost his bearings, his leadership compass, if you like.
Which raises the fundamental question: Is Obama leading a feminine or gay civil rights movement or for that matter a labor union, or a nation of 300 million citizens who need and demand good paying jobs to make ends meet as well as physical, economic, and social security for themselves and their children? Obama’s carefree attitude about these grave matters seems to suggest that he has different priorities altogether. This is one reason why a nation must not elect someone into high political office with no executive experience of running things at some basic level because rhetoric and flowery speeches alone do not cut it.
Well I guess it is rather too late to cry over spilt milk but the time of reckoning is here. And I will do my part in delivering that historical verdict on the Obama presidency. Oh, how I wish I had something to say to elevate his presidency for the sake of the black race in America, but sad to say that I have nothing positively but rather negatively transformational to say about a scandal plagued administration. And sorry, I’m not about to make up some fake positives for it that do not exist in real world.
Yes the candidate who campaigned so vigorously on uniting all Americans as one big family, which he once described as miniature “united nations,” like his own extended white family on his mother’s side, has wound up as the great divider-in-chief, pitting one racial group against another, one economic group against another, and one gender group against another endlessly, and quite frankly, one nation against another, as witnessed by the Russian/Ukraine, China/Japan and China/Taiwan, and Russia/Turkey manufactured disputes, amongst others.
Oh yes folks, the candidate who promised binding the wounds of his nation is re-opening them, in fact prying them with butcher’s knife and spattering the blood all over the place, and seemingly relishing the gory, sordid sights as long as they can be manipulated and exploited to achieve his dark political ends.
Oh what more shall I say in the sordid Obama saga? The candidate who would calm the angry oceans, usher in world peace and global economic prosperity, has ended up presiding over a crisis ridden world, creating ISIS and failed states in the Middle East and strife all over the world, owing to a combination of gross ineptitude, incompetence and archaic ideological fixation that looks backward to failed and discredited communism/socialism of bygone era rather than forward.
Thus Obama recklessly and callously squandered not only his immense reservoir of goodwill but public trust which is the currency of credible political leadership.
Doubtlessly, just like every other bad leader in human history, Obama has his hordes of vacuous, yet dangerously neurotic, rabid, liberal supporters currently massed up in the morally bankrupt Democratic Party, who are ready to go into political grave with him, including, in particular, the African-American community, which would swim and sink with him no matter what, solely—and I repeat, solely, on the basis of his slightly darker skin pigmentation than pure whites, if for nothing else.
History teaches us that no leader, not even Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Papa Doc, or Mussolini, for that matter, is too bad or evil to be bereft of an army of followers, praise singers, boot-lickers, hero-worshippers or plain admirers in society because power attracts and recruits both the good and the bad and press them  into service.
And for Obama in particular, his tried and tested divide and rule political strategy, hardly new or original by any stretch, ensures that he has at his beck and call disparate non-white constituencies with boatload of grievances against the system strung together to form a coalition of the disenchanted by the doctrine of my enemy’s enemy  is my friend.
Oops, I didn’t mean to but I have just described to you the American Democratic party of today! It’s a coalition of disgruntled elements unrelated by their grievances, but held together nonetheless by a sense of common political/cultural enemy they’re fighting against. Feminists, gays and lesbians, labor unions, transgender, blacks and other minorities, rebellious students, welfare moms, illegal immigrants, excetera, excetera; all of whom have nothing in common other than fighting against the system have join ranks with the party.. Democrats need them to maintain their hold in power and pander to them. And the more the merrier for the party, locked as it is in a symbiotic relationship with socially marginalized and other disgruntled groups. This is the party Obama is currently leading.   
Now, if Obama were to be fully white, not half this, half that, the same African-American community would, from day one, have been asking for his head in the manner of demon possessed Biblical King Saul about David, to be delivered to them on a platter of gold. But the tinge of black blood in him inoculates him against black ire, and he knows and exploits it to the hilt. Hence his constant fishing in racial waters when everything else fails him in the political and economic fields. It’s a kind of failsafe fallback position for him.
Now, I don’t mean to be condescending and somewhat paternalistic, but if truth be told, the vast majority of African-Americans who are permanently at the bottom of the pond in the American society, would gladly go with a Democratic leader, any day, who would not only continue but vastly expand welfare benefits for them, in contradistinction and as opposed to one creating good paying jobs or at least attempting to do so for them. Welfare is the opium of the poor.
Not surprisingly, Obama chose to take the easy way out by expanding the welfare rolls, earning for himself the sobriquet, “food stamp president.” Well I don’t necessarily blame him for that but for his failure to go beyond that. Public assistance is a great stop gap measure designed to weather the storm but not as permanent solution to be proud of by anybody as a measure of achievement.
So why would any serious minded leader with his head seated squarely on his neck be proud of simply distributing food-stamps rather than creating jobs for his people? When was the last time Obama talked seriously about the stagnant American economy? Must be eons ago, if at all. He talks more about raising taxes against millionaires and billionaires and minimum wage than about actually creating jobs, which ought to be the primary focus in my humble opinion. It’s classical case of misplaced priorities. The band aid cannot become the permanent cure.
Rather than create jobs he’s busy killing them by shutting down traditional industries such as coal mines for example through over regulation, that had created the American middle class in the name of renewable energy alternatives that cannot deliver presently and have to be hugely subsidized by the taxpayers with negligible returns on investments—veritable drain pipes.
The man comes across as cold and calculated, having no interests whatsoever in wealth creation which alone truly lifts up people socially and economically. He can redistribute wealth created by others but has no clue about how to create the wealth in the first place for which he’s taking undue credit and political benefit. By so doing he’s leaving his people on his way out right where he met them on his way in—securely at the bottom of the pond, their traditional spot, it would seem.
All in all, therefore, and taking into due consideration all mitigating factors and circumstances, it is hardly a surprise that the Obama presidency has been written off as a failed presidency by all but brain dead liberals.
Destined for American presidential history books as one of the worst presidents, if not the very worst president in US history, however, President  Obama is set to deliver his last state of the union address in which he will attempt to whitewash his failings and burnish the tattered image of his failed and wasted presidency. He will deploy the teleprompter to weave a glowing tapestry of half-truths, doctored figures, misrepresentations and outright lies to create a false sense of achievements in the minds of his listeners and gloss over his crying failures screaming at us everywhere we turn.
He will paint a rosy picture about himself and his failed regime, telling us with a straight face that mocks the truth to death, just how great he has led the world on the war on terror, peace in the Middle-East, climate change, security and prosperity all around us.
He will crow about how Iraq, Syria and Libya have been liberated from dictatorships, establishing and/or restoring democracy to all nations that had never known it or lost it. He will beat his chest about how he had ended wars started by GW Bush and restored peace and prosperity troubled lands and established US leadership across the globe.
Yep, he will lie to us how much the United States is loved in Muslim nations thanks to his apology tours in the Middle East blaming America. How will dish out some phony statistics about the millions of jobs created under him without telling you of the real double-digits unemployment numbers and stagnant economy growing at a miserable 1.8% in GDP at best, barely registering on the economic radar screen,  All of which is sheer bunkum as you and I know.
But he will relentlessly push these patently fraudulent narratives and claims with Democrats sheering every syllable of his words nonetheless, because Obama lives and thrives in a make-believe world called Utopia that is far removed from the real world you and I live in. And Democrats have to maintain these illusions both for their own sanity, and political survival as they proceed to bind and slaughter the truth.
Failed presidency? Hell yes, and that is not just mine but the verdict of his fellow Americans of all racial backgrounds, gender and political affiliations. Yes, the jury has long been out on the Obama’s presidency as one of unmitigated failure as overwhelmingly established through public opinion polls conducted by Quinnipiac University’. Please see “Obama Is Officially The Worst President In American History!for some perspectives on how Americans view the Obama presidency, not just me. Say what you will, their conclusions are inescapable for any thinking person living on these shores.
However, the big question begging for an answer urgently is this: How did the Obama presidency which began on a high note and lofty ideals quickly degenerated and come to this sorry pass? How did hope and change quickly turned to despair and anger, and dreams into nightmares? The long and short of this are both anchored firmly on cause and effect. We reap what we sow.
Full of high sounding speeches and rhetoric on the stumps, Obama could not deliver in real time and turned out to be a poor player constantly fretting and pointing fingers on stage in prime time. He lacked both the executive experience and democratic temperament to effectively govern in a deliberately divided government with inbuilt separation of powers and checks and balances, much to the chagrin, disappointment and even angst of his countrymen and women.
The inauguration of rookie senator Barack Hussein Obama as president and commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the United States brought tears of joy streaming down the checks of millions of Americans regardless of their races, colors and creeds in general.
There was something in it for virtually everyone or group, not just in the United States but the entire world as history was being made. It was both an inspiration and aspiration for many marginalized groups across the globe, real or perceived. For ethnic or racial minorities in general, it was a sign of political maturity and hope that they too could produce leaders for the highest office in the land.
For whites, it was a lifetime opportunity and chance for redemption and atonement for the sins of their forefathers, who had enslaved the black race. They wanted to put that dark, shameful history behind them once and for all, because they’re supposed to be different from their racist forebears and not to be tainted with the sins of their forefathers for which they must atone.
This preoccupation is so deeply ingrained in the American society that even today, for a white public figure to speak ill of Obama, a black president publicly, is considered anathema and death sentence. Conversely, to speak glowingly of him despite his notorious failings, is the beginning of political wisdom, political correction, to be precise. It is self-imposed censorship promoted, in fact, demanded by the liberal media beholden to Obama and the Democratic Party.
There was no better way therefore for whites to prove their so-called racial tolerance than elect a black president. Didn’t matter that Obama had no prior experience or achievement to point to hitherto all his life. A degree each from Columbia and Harvard universities, most likely obtained through quota system, sprinkled with a dose of soaring rhetoric was good enough for them. Nothing else mattered in an atmosphere of political hysteria and mass hypnosis and delusions.
And for African-Americans in particular, it was the fulfillment of the dream of the venerable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the revered black civil rights leader, who brought political emancipation to his race in America. He had no presidential powers but achieved much with a smile and doctrine of non-violent political action. What did Obama achieve with all the immense presidential powers at his disposal? Distributing welfare checks? What a leadership disaster! Even Dr. King with no presidential powers organized, demanded and obtained jobs for black people in their thousands in white owned corporations with good pay too and in addition secure contracts for black owned small businesses in B2B dealings.
Now several black leaders seated proudly in their best attires in the augural ceremony, such as Reverend Jesse Jackson and members of the Congressional Black Caucus as were indeed millions of their compatriots watching at home, could not hold back their tears, caught by the TV cameras panning the audience teary-eyed as they wept like babies.
For the whites who thought rather naively that a vote for Obama would wash away their original sins forever, Obama has proved them wrong as he now calls them racists and bigots, in fact, claiming that racism is in their DNA, for crying out loud, all because a white police officer shot and killed a black criminal kid coming after them who just finished robbing a store at gun point! I shed no tear for such a one.
Now, it doesn’t matter if the black kid died in the hands of black police officers in a city ruled by black major as happened in Maryland. Doesn’t matter either if blacks are cutting down blacks in Obama’s Chicago, Michigan, New Ark, Washington DC, and elsewhere in America. Makes no difference.
For that all whites had to be racists and bigots in blinkered Obama world. Didn’t matter that whites were carrying the same racist DNAs when they put him in office, not once but twice. Today a new movement by frustrated black youths—“Black Lives Matter” is terrorizing the white community with Obama’s nod and encouragement.
White police officers have been attacked by black youths, several shot dead in major towns and cities ostensibly in retaliation for the death of black kid robber and other miscreants shot by the police and freed by the jury of criminal wrongdoings. I am not holding brief for them but suffice it to state that this is what white America gets in return for putting Obama in power.
Turns out that their votes in 2008 and 2012 presidential elections only momentarily whitewashed and covered their original sins and didn’t really quite wash them away as expected as Obama told them, not in so many words,. “Nice try buddies but not nearly enough to cut it because your original sins are too dirty, deep and ingrained in your DNA to be washed away with just two elections. Better begin now to share your humungous wealth with my black brothers and sisters by increasing the welfare budgets geometrically, or else I will create, fund, and unleash “Black Lives Matter” on you freaking racists and bigots. This is our time, damn it! ” This is the one-man wrecking ball Americans are dealing with.
And for blacks? It’s different dynamics altogether. They’re simply to be used and dumped. Obama has no agenda for blacks, period. No ifs and buts, other than to be used as political human shields to ward off attacks on him and, of course, to use them as useful wedge insurance against whites for his own political ends.
The stark realities on the ground today in the black communities across the land have proven conclusively that those tears streaming down the cheeks of black leaders were after all totally wasted tears not well shed. Please don’t get me wrong here: those tears were shed for the right reasons alright but for the wrong, totally unscrupulous man with an agenda not exactly in synchrony with theirs.
They were shed for a man possessed by utopian fantasies whose head is not at home but abroad on a different mission altogether of destroying their sacred cherished cultural institutions, traditions, and value systems, which had guided and led them out of slavery into the proverbial Promised Land.
Obama goes to black churches in America to preach and campaign about gay rights as he would in Africa later on but never in the Middle East, against their Christian faith and tradition. Not about economic emancipation of the black community, which is dear to their hearts. He goes to the graduation ceremonies of historical black colleges to complain about how doors are closed to blacks in America, not about economic and other opportunities available to them even as he knows there are black business executives running multi-billion dollars corporations and professionals who have benefitted from such opportunities like himself in the land. No, that does not matter. What matters to him is beating the drums of white racism and bigotry to serve his dark political ends.
While he ran around with a borrowed slogan from a Spanish labor leader, “Yes we can,” during his campaigns, he and Michelle go about telling black graduating students that they can’t make it in America because the “decks are stacked against you.” This is the president and first lady of a country who had been enjoying the good life in the same country with elite jobs saying this to their fellow black kids just striking out in life to find their places under the sun. How would you like your graduating son or daughter to be counseled by such individuals in high places who have nothing but such negativity for their country?
This is why I fear that Obama may have poisoned the well to bad for any other black leaders coming after him in America like the erudite world renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, for example, in the Republic presidential field, as reflected in disappointed whites now flocking to Donald Trump, who is not afraid to speak his mind. Do you blame them? I don’t.
Yes it is time of reckoning not speeches and promises. What is Obama’s record of accomplishments for the black community in America, forget about Africa for a now? Pain, anguish, anger and bitterness is all I see around here, not hope and change. Black leaders wept in joy not only because a black man had finally made it to the summit of political power in America, heralding the full and complete emancipation of blacks as co-equals in the national political calculus but more so in the hope that finally, and yes finally, one of their own in power would listen attentively to their cries, feel and bind their wounds, wipe away their tears and bring economic succor to them—all of which were entirely legitimate hopes and aspirations.
If after three hundred years of white rule that had left them in social and economic limbo there was a ray of hope that one of their own would make a significant difference in their circumstances even if he’s the president of the entire country, and all racial groups, not just blacks.
And on his part too, while admittedly grandiose and airy, Obama’s own electoral promises and transformational, flowery rhetoric had helped to create high levels of expectations for his presidency, more so as the nation was suddenly faced with self-inflicted financial (not economic mind you) crisis at the tail end of the much hated Bush presidency due mostly to his involvement and poor handling of the Iraq war.
Sad to say that Obama has not lived up to his billings and public expectations and this shows clearly in the national polls. Americans have long given up on Obama and only blacks and Hispanics in the minority communities are still with him, come rain or shine, albeit with nothing to show for their loyalty.
For the Hispanics Obama promised immigration reform on Day One in office. He had both chambers of Congress in his fingers but failed to deliver throughout his first term. Mischievously he came out to cry about immigration reforms only when Republicans had seized control of both houses to pretend to fight for immigration in order to score cheap political points with Hispanics during elections.
Why he waited so long until his second term when his party was no longer in control of Congress, by Hispanic television anchorman, he would not answer straightforwardly but blamed it all the same it on Republicans. What a bleeping fraud!
And for African-Americans, its frustration galore now expressed daily in riots and demonstrations and cries of racism and sundry agitations, egged on by their failed son in the presidency, who could not deliver for them or anybody else for that matter. Black anger has now reached boiling point but it is not directed at Obama, but away from Obama to whites, what lawyers call “transferred aggression.”
Blacks have been channeling their frustrations rooted in their economic woes than all the idle talks about police brutality, toward law enforcement agencies rather than to the man who failed to deliver for them but busy chasing pies in the skies about global warming and sundry fanciful social projects that have no bearings whatsoever on the economic wellbeing of the American people much less African-Americans having the highest unemployment rates in the nation—Obama or no Obama.
What a shame! They have been marginalized by their own and yet they don’t know it but point accusing fingers at whites. Till he leaves office Obama is still blaming Republicans for his failures, including high unemployment. You would think Republicans are in the White House given the way Obama and Democrats complain about “middle class” and “women” low incomes and the rest of the crap they spew to blindfold the people into thinking somebody else is responsible for their woes not them who are today in power and running the show for seven odd years now!
Where else in the world would a two-term president continue to blame his predecessor for the problems he cannot fix when the fixing of those problems was the very reason for his election, not once but twice? Tell me where else? Only in America, and only Obama can pull off such hat tricks and get away with it as if someone else is in charge of the affairs, not him. There is never a time he takes responsibility for his failures, but quick to take credit. It’s always the previous leader or someone else.
If it is failed Obamacare website, it’s sabotage or Republicans, who didn’t vote for it. If the issue is Iraq, it is Bush. If it is unemployment, it is Republicans who didn’t provide another trillion dollar stimulus plan when the last two have not been properly accounted for to begin with. If it is stagnant economy it is Wall Street greed, and millionaires and billionaires, the very people he goes to in fundraising at every turn in the dead of night only to assail them in the day time.
And if it is ISIS carrying out terrorist attacks, it is racists and bigots who are provoking them and providing recruitment slogans for them to hate America. If it’s a terrorist attack by Islamist radicals in US Embassy in Benghazi, it is a disgusting amateur anti-Muslim video mocking Prophet Muhammed that is the cause! I can go on and on. Excuses, laughable and insane rationalizations, and buck passing all the time. It never ends. This is the essential Obama America has been dealing with.
True enough, Obama inherited a troubled economy from GW Bush in addition to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. So what? The war in Iraq was all but over with the troops surge. Same for Afghanistan pretty much, which was low-keyed after the Talibans were driven out. There were no longer heavy fighting when Obama came in, but to work to secure and maintain the peace in both countries that had been won. Obama had all the tools he needed but did not know how to apply them fixated as he is with harebrained socialist ideology.
With the US economy hemorrhaging an average of 300,000 jobs a month due to the financial meltdown which was already reverberating across the globe, panic stricken Americans and the world pinned their hopes and dreams on the lean shoulders of an unknown horse with no particular executive experience of any type whatsoever, a state and US senator with nothing to his name by way of legislative achievements whose only claim to political stardom can be traced solely to lofty, high-minded rhetoric, carefully crafted and mastered and impeccably delivered, as we were later to learn soon enough in due course, through the assistance of an electronic device, the teleprompter without which he could hardly make a complete sentence let alone an impromptu speech.
Yes the teleprompter which has become his constant companion in public speeches, handed Obama the American presidency. That is not to say he did not fight for it against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries and Senator John McCain for his first tern and Governor Mitt Romney in his second term. His mastery of the teleprompter had laid the groundwork and won the hearts of his compatriots, including yours truly that chipped in his widow’s mite a campaign contribution, a most regrettable decision with the benefit of hindsight.
With the recessionary waves still buffeting the nation’s economic shorelines Obama inherited from GW Bush almost a trillion dollar ($787billion) fire brigade economic rescue plan named TARP an acronym for Troubled Assets Recovery Program, which was quickly passed by the US Congress to stabilize the financial markets. That was the bail-out money for the troubled banks that were rescued.
Hot on the heels of TARP was another program put together after Obama’s inauguration called ARRA an acronym for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, again in the neighborhood of trillion dollars. ARRA was touted by the young Obama administration as the panacea for America’s economic woes to be administered by the office of Vice-President Joe Biden. It was meant to fund the construction and rehabilitation of public highways, roads and bridges and sundry infrastructure projects that would supposedly create jobs and stem the economic downturn.
Today the Obama administration has nothing to show for ARRA and still asking for another ARRA-type program. Billions of dollars poured into politically motivated so-called clean energy projects have gone down the drain as epitomized by the privately-owned Solyndra solar panel manufacturing plant which the Obama administration poured half a billion dollars into amongst several similar types that have gone belly-up and straight into bankruptcy with hundreds of billions of tax payers dollars flushed down the drain with them. The administration cannot point to any significant single public project successfully executed through ARRA.
According to US government data the US economy is at best stagnant averaging 1.8% growth rate in GDP including the figures for the last quarter revised downward. With 94 million Americans out of the labor force and 50 million on food-stamps and other government benefit programs, 18 trillion in national debt overhang and counting, there is nothing to crow about but abject failure in Obama’s economic policies or lack thereof because in truth Obama has no known coherent economic policy anybody can point to anywhere other than haphazard, ad-hoc fire brigade types micro initiatives here and there. He’s just wobbling and fumbling through. The fact that Obama administration had not passed a single budget until this month in four years bears testimony to these conclusions.
But ARRA was only the beginning because it was the first leg of Obama’s socialist agenda in America. With complete control of both chambers of Congress and Republicans politically and legislatively emasculated and castrated Obama with Harry Reid in control in Congress quickly rolled out another two trillion dollars white elephant project. It was projected to cost a trillion dollars plus but its actual cost is now more than double the initial projection.
This time around it was deceitfully and fraudulently styled Affordable HealthCare Act AHCA otherwise known as Obamacare—a derogatory nomenclature coined by Republicans which has stuck with it to this day. Just to refresh our memories this is the program which website alone cost the US taxpayers nearly a billion dollars to build and still couldn’t work after two years! Deceitful? Yes because Obama himself and several of his officials told the American people that the program would be entirely voluntary not mandated promising that if you like your doctor, you can keep him or her, a promise Obama knew to be fraudulent from the very beginning as official documents later revealed of official deliberations about the program.
In the upcoming state of the union address watch out for Obama to claim that millions of Americans have benefitted from AHCA, which would be correct. What he will not mention, however, and conveniently gloss over, is the millions of Americans who were forced, yes forced out of their pre-existing health insurance plans into Obamacare literally at death point. What he will not mention is that health insurance under Obamacare has skyrocketed under Obama by whopping 27% according to industry sources.
The $2, 500 healthcare savings that Obama promised when he was selling the program to the nation has turned out to be mirage. On the contrary so-called beneficiaries are being hit with high deductibles and co-pays that make complete nonsense of the program. People are being forced to buy what they don’t need in the name of healthcare; things like contraceptives, catastrophic illnesses even for the young who don’t need them. And worse still small businesses are being forced to provide Obamacare for their employees with fines attached forcing many small businesses not to hire and offload workers to maintain the 50-employees threshold allowed by the law.
Latest reports about Obamacare debacle point to healthcare insurance companies bailing out of the program due to the promised benefits offered to lure them in not materializing as the young people who are supposed to drive it avoid the program like a plague. Even so everyone not currently covered by employer health plans, Medicare and Medicaid are forced to sign up for Obamacare failing which the IRS would impose a fine. Why would anybody claim credit for enrollment in a government program that was forced on them in the first place for which they had no choice but enroll they must or else pay a heavy fine.
Credit would only be due if and only if the American people had a choice before them and they chose Obamacare in place of others open to them. But to force people out of their existing healthcare plans into government health plan and then turn around to claim credit for enrollment in that forced plan is disingenuous, if not downright fraudulent.
Few if any, enrolled in Obamacare are happy, not only due to the high premiums forced on them, but because it’s imposed on them by the government. It’s therefore not a measure of success but of governmental overreach, which has no place at all in a supposed democracy, but in tyranny.
And except Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wins the 2016 presidential election and retains the program despite the widespread complaints and public disapproval against it, Obamacare’s days are numbered as insurance companies are already bailing out as earlier mentioned. However a republican win will only hasten its death. It has to go either way, anyways, because it has destroyed freedom of choice as a private right of the citizens. It is not up to the government to force health plans and doctors on citizens in a democratic and capitalist society. Command socialist society yes, not capitalist society. That choice belongs to the individual citizen, not the government at all times.
Obamacare is one heck of a tyrannical piece of legislation that belongs to communist Cuba or Nicaragua not the United States. It is amazing how Obama fails to understand the basic and fundamental ideological difference between a capitalist/democratic and socialist/communist systems of government.
His failure to grasp this is responsible for trying to graft and impose authoritarian/dictatorial socialist programs to take away people’s liberties on a capitalist/democratic America, which was founded on the principles of individual freedoms and liberties. What part of that basic constitutional and ideological framework of the American founding and experience does he not understand, that he wants government to choose doctors for individuals and mandates religious organizations to provide contraceptives for sexually active females in their workplaces?
That’s blatant, tyrannical violations of individual’s freedom of religion. Both previous Republican and Democratic presidents of the United States understood and respected the basic law and underlying fundamental principles governing the United States constitutionally and ideologically. Regrettably, Obama a supposed constitutional lawyer, laboring under an archaic, revisionist throwback, communist ideological anachronism, has made himself into an abnormal, odd president of the United States—an anomaly that must be fixed by subsequent leaders.
Only a man removed from reality and out of touch with the conditions on the ground would kill manufacturing plants and coal mines employing hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens and callously throwing them into the unemployment market in the name of dubious climate change, which is neither nor there and the science of which is vastly speculative and inconclusive at best at this moment in time as testified to by reputed scientists whose contrarian voices and positions are being brutally silenced by climate change dictators like Obama. It has been turned into a belief system like a religion rather than pure science that it ought to be and made out to be which is not the case.
To Obama “fundamental transformation” which he promised seems to mean transforming America into a socialist/communist state like North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela—all failed states like former soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe—all fleeing to the West for economic salvation. 
To Obama “fundamental transformation” means destroying our cultural values and embarking on fanciful but utterly destructive social experimentations, not just in civil society, but in the military as well against well established, time honored traditions.
Fundamental transformation means for Obama the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire, the destruction of Christianity and transformation of the West, particularly Europe and America, into one huge Islamic caliphate/empire in the Western hemisphere—a Greater Arabia of sorts repopulated with Arabs to create, you know what, “ethnic diversity.”
Or how else would anyone explain why Obama is keen on throwing open US borders to Islamic terrorists, Mexicans and other Hispanics pretending to be refugees fleeing to the US? What happened to neighboring Arab countries awash with petro-dollars?
Make no mistake about it before it is too late, folks: It is all about transforming the Western hemisphere into an Islamic empire to which Obama and European liberal leaders are committed in their attempt to completely destroy and extinguish Christianity and Western culture from the face of the earth, and replace it with what they refer to as diversity and multi-culturalism. That explains why western leaders would not lift a single finger in protest when Christians were being slaughtered in Egypt, Libya and Syria by ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Now finally Pope Francis is crying blue murder. But where has he been all this time? He was afraid to speak out in defense of Christians and Christianity or why the long silence and mumbling all along? Again make no mistake about it: Christianity is their real and primary target because it is opposed to their evil and sinful lifestyles and therefore must be destroyed. And they’re attacking it with all the weapons at their disposal.
As I have hopefully demonstrated above, that agenda has both domestic and global dimensions which are simultaneously pursued both locally and globally by the political leadership in charge of implementing it. Only a traitor to his country and people would fight tooth and nail to throw the borders of his country open to illegal immigration when millions of his own countrymen and women are suffering in silence from joblessness and other economic woes.  
As you read this piece, Obama in dogged pursuit of his social engineering crack-pot schemes, is pursuing a federal program in the US designed to forcefully mix up sub-urban white communities with blacks and other minorities so as to dilute predominantly white populations in certain neighborhoods and zip-codes throughout the country meeting with stiff resistance from the authorities in affected communities. Call it demographic redistribution, if you like, akin to his wealth redistribution crap-load rhetoric.
And buried deep in this sick agenda are the seeds of Obama’s failed presidency.
In the end the question remains as to how many people, particularly his fellow African-Americans, Obama lifted out of poverty into wealth in eight years of his presidency with his wealth redistribution bullshit?
That’s a fair enough question to ask of any one who claims to be leader of men and materials. Isn’t it? And that question has been asked of others before him. So why not Obama? History will ask it again and again, so let’s answer it now, I mean right now, as best we can.
Answer: None, not one! Amongst others, that will be the true measure of his stewardship, not global warming religion, illegal executive orders, Christian persecution, so-called same sex marriage, free contraceptives, cuddling Islamic radicals, Obamacare white elephant that cannot fly, playing the blame-game, cheap rhetoric on teleprompter, shrinking the US military, demonizing political opponents, or any of the usual trash talks by Obama..
Franklin Otorofani is a Nigerian-trained attorney and public affairs analyst resident in the United States.

Continue reading “Obama: Last Address of Wasted Presidency”

African Push Back Against Obama’s Immoral Gay Rights Crusade

By Franklin Otorofani
“The issue of gay marriage came up here yesterday. PMB was point blank. Sodomy is against the law in Nigeria, and abhorrent to our culture.”— Buhari’s Media and Publicity Special Adviser, Femi Adesina reportedly twitted on what transpired in Buhari’s meeting with Obama during his current visit to Washington, DC for pre-arranged bilaterial talks. Continue reading “African Push Back Against Obama’s Immoral Gay Rights Crusade”

Evil Portents of the Buhari-Obama Romance (Bromance) for Nigeria

Nigeria’s newly minted leader, Muhammadu Buhari is due in Washington, DC on a pre-planned official visit Monday July 20th 2015, and reports have it that President Barack Obama is rolling out the red carpets to receive the august visitor. Buhari is said to be coming to Washington with the traditional begging bowl filled with a shopping list of assistance topped off ostensibly by trade and terrorism issues.

Continue reading “Evil Portents of the Buhari-Obama Romance (Bromance) for Nigeria”

USA—Morally Challenged Experimental Nation in Ferment Brewing a Second Revolution

By Franklin Otorofani

July 4th 2015 was a glorious America’s Independence Day anniversary. And, as usual with each anniversary, her citizens were out and about in celebration of the 239thbirthday of their great nation—unfortunately and painfully now in a rather precipitous moral descent—with fireworks and sundry activities. Continue reading “USA—Morally Challenged Experimental Nation in Ferment Brewing a Second Revolution”

Buhari: Inauguration of a Political Phenomenon and the Looming Crisis of Expectations


By Franklin Otorofani
Putting the Wrong Foot Forward

“Nigeria Presidential Inauguration 2015: President-Elect Buhari Slams Jonathan’s Outgoing Administration Over Power Transfer,” screamed the Australia based International Business Times’ headline signaling to the world that president-elect Muhammadu Buhari, like the chameleon, may have changed his stripes to blend with the color of democracy, but he has not altered his political DNA one bit and kicking off his inaugural activities by playing his favorite blame game. Continue reading “Buhari: Inauguration of a Political Phenomenon and the Looming Crisis of Expectations”

Tribute to GEJ, the Gemstone in GMB’s Quarry

Franklin Otorofani

The much awaited Nigerian presidential election has come and gone and it took four agonizing days and sleepless nights to announce the final results. At a point in the seemingly endless serial presentation by INEC chairman, Jega, in Abuja, it seemed to me that we might be heading for a cliff hanger of an election. But that was not to be. Continue reading “Tribute to GEJ, the Gemstone in GMB’s Quarry”

The Yorubas and the Northern Caliphate Power Game

By Franklin Otorofani

I have just finished reading the thought provoking post March 26, 2015, by Sat Guru Maharaji in the web portal, titled: “Open Letter To Southern Muslims”. His piece shares plenteous areas of commonality and intersections—a meeting of minds of sorts—with my earlier piece two days earlier on March 24, 2015, titled “Presidential Election Projection (PEP) – by Franklin …”published at the same site. These areas of commonality pertain to the political designs of colonial Britain on Nigeria as manifested in the Northern oligarchic stranglehold on political power in Nigeria. Continue reading “The Yorubas and the Northern Caliphate Power Game”

Presidential Election Projection (PEP)

Franklin Otorofani, Esq.

Don’t get me wrong with the bold title of this piece. I’m not in the business of foretelling the future because I’m no Nostradamus. However, though lacking the faculty of clairvoyance, it is possible for any political analyst to read the political tea leaves and make an informed projection of the results of particular elections, including forthcoming Nigeria’s presidential election. I’m, therefore, throwing my hat into the ring to make such projection and stick with it till the very end. Continue reading “Presidential Election Projection (PEP)”

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