

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


July 2015

Evil Portents of the Buhari-Obama Romance (Bromance) for Nigeria

Nigeria’s newly minted leader, Muhammadu Buhari is due in Washington, DC on a pre-planned official visit Monday July 20th 2015, and reports have it that President Barack Obama is rolling out the red carpets to receive the august visitor. Buhari is said to be coming to Washington with the traditional begging bowl filled with a shopping list of assistance topped off ostensibly by trade and terrorism issues.

Continue reading “Evil Portents of the Buhari-Obama Romance (Bromance) for Nigeria”

USA—Morally Challenged Experimental Nation in Ferment Brewing a Second Revolution

By Franklin Otorofani

July 4th 2015 was a glorious America’s Independence Day anniversary. And, as usual with each anniversary, her citizens were out and about in celebration of the 239thbirthday of their great nation—unfortunately and painfully now in a rather precipitous moral descent—with fireworks and sundry activities. Continue reading “USA—Morally Challenged Experimental Nation in Ferment Brewing a Second Revolution”

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