

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


December 2014

It’s Official, China Overtakes the United States as World’s No.1 Economy—What’s Next?

Franklin Otororani, Esq.

“It’s official, America is now No.2,” Brent Arends of the painfully reacts to the news of the official announcement by the IMF of China overtaking the United States as the world’s largest economy. Continue reading “It’s Official, China Overtakes the United States as World’s No.1 Economy—What’s Next?”

Rise of ISIS Caliphate Exemplifies Dysfunctional, Bankrupt, Reactive, Vacillating Obama US Foreign Policy

Franklin Otorofani, Esq.


Woe betides any nation that goes to war with a liberal leading the charge, for defeat is certain.–Franklin Otorofani

For the purpose of the present exercise, foreign policy may be viewed as the sum total of the rules, regulations, and protocols together with the basket of national interests that inform and govern a nation’s interactions with the outside world, which includes but not limited to nation-states, governments, transnational and international organizations and corporations and, in some exceptional cases, even individuals having international personalities such as “global citizens,” for example. Continue reading “Rise of ISIS Caliphate Exemplifies Dysfunctional, Bankrupt, Reactive, Vacillating Obama US Foreign Policy”

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