

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


March 2014

Dwindling Fortunes of Harebrained Revolutions and Revolutionaries—Poignant Lessons for Developing Countries


In an article titled “North Africa: Change from the Ground Up—And Now, the Hard Part”, this author had this to say: Continue reading “Dwindling Fortunes of Harebrained Revolutions and Revolutionaries—Poignant Lessons for Developing Countries”

Russia Invades Ukraine as Putin Thumbs His Nose at Obama and the EU

By Franklin Otorofani


“After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next,” —Sarah Palin in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

“The Ukrainians, and I think everybody, is shocked by the weakness of Obama’s statement. I find it rather staggering.”—Dr. Charles Krauthammer. Continue reading “Russia Invades Ukraine as Putin Thumbs His Nose at Obama and the EU”

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