The mind searing evidence is all over the map except Europe and North America, otherwise known as the Western hemisphere. Political turmoil in Libya, Egypt and Ukraine; civil war in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq; and sundry political crisis everywhere else in between around the world except in the West.

These crisis have one thing in common: they’re occurring outside the Western hemisphere but have the manufacturing imprints and imprimatur of the West and bearing the invisible label: “Made in the West for Weak and Vulnerable Developing Nations.”

In other words, they’re sponsored by the West in other parts of the world for the sole purpose of destabilization of other regions of the world that are culturally and politically different from the West, leaving in their trails death and destruction and unimaginable human sufferings on a grand scale; all because those nations chose to do things and run their lives their own way in accordance with their cultural traditions without bothering anybody.

Out of fashion, colonialism seems to have morphed into cultural imperialism, which has destroyed and killed much more than the hated colonialism itself could ever have done.

And for insisting on that, they become targets of the West; marked down for destabilization with its secret service agents planted in them to recruit disaffected and disgruntled elements in the local populations that exist in all nations, to help carry out its destabilization plots.

In turn, these deadly conflicts provide great outlets for western arms industry to catch in as well as veritable testing grounds for new weapon systems, which in turn, provides employment opportunities in western countries, but death and destruction for the destabilized countries. Head or tail the West wins and the rest of the world suffers inter-generational decline and untold misery while it plows ahead in the development race.

Yet it is the same West that runs around preaching and lecturing others about diversity, social, religious, and political tolerance when it’s itself politically and socially intolerant of other cultures and seeks to upend and supplant them with its own. It’s doing this to promote a uni-polar as opposed to a multi-polar, diversified world, which our world truly is by design, and therefore deserves to remain that way for humanity and posterity.

After all, the preservation of world cultural heritage in all its ramifications is a cherished goal of the UN itself, which represents the whole world not just the West. It’s not the preservation of western cultural heritage alone and the destruction of other cultures.

For the avoidance of doubts, no culture is superior to another culture and therefore must never, ever be allowed to claim superiority over another, because that was the basis of slavery and colonialism in the past, and it’s the basis of modern day western political destabilization plots in developing nations as well.

You can see then that despite pretensions to the contrary, the leopard has not changed its dark spots that much, or has it? It’s the same old wine in new bottle! No culture should be evaluated with reference to another culture because there is no cultural gold standard in the world and will never be because every culture is self-sufficient and therefore can only be self-evaluated.

It is to be noted, however, that the West had tried this destabilization plot in much bigger and stronger nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran for example, again outside the Western hemisphere, but failed to make a dent. Which proves the theory that that it takes a strong nation and government to withstand and nullify western-sponsored destabilization plots in parts of the world and only weak nations succumb to such plots precisely because they’re weak and vulnerable.

It’s the reason why both Iran and North Korea already marked down by the West for political destabilization are bent on developing nuclear weapons in addition to conventional weaponry to be able to counter western destabilization plots and even possible western military invasion at some point.

They’re not stupid and would not sit down, fold their arms hoping and praying for the West to have a change of heart, and make themselves sitting ducks for easy picking. Now that’s called smarts! It’s immunity against the West because military power is the only language understood by the West, and when it’s spoken loud and clear by potential victims the West takes due notice, backs off and go someplace else it could find weak and vulnerable nations that are ripe for political destabilization plots.

Like the school bully, the West only picks on the weak and vulnerable. And if might is right as the ultimate instrument of international diplomacy as the West seems to suggest, then all smart nations will take to arms and start the arms race all over again to the detriment of true economic development.

It’s not that there are no traitors and political activists in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, who could be exploited and used by the West to carry out destabilization plots in those countries.

There are millions of traitors and so-called political activists in those nations just as they’re in the already destabilized nations mentioned above that are bearing the brunt of the political crisis imposed on them by the West with their blood and treasures, but the stronger nations are able to nullify such destabilization plots and therefore rein in their terrible effects on their nations in a way that the weaker and smaller nations can’t again by reason of their size and weaknesses, militarily.

As the world has witnessed time and time again ad nauseam, the West has had to physically intervene where the local traitors and political activists and proxies are unable to get the job done on their own due to internal resistance put up by the local authorities and civil society. And nowhere have these interventions produced salutary effects in the affected nations, but quite the opposite.

Yet the traitors and so-called political activists, would not stop playing their spoiler roles for the West, precisely because they’re paid to do just that with promises of political power down the road should their treachery pay off in the end after destroying their nations and turning their fellow citizens into refugees.

It’s needless to add that these crisis have caused millions of lives, destruction and dislocation turning millions into refugees and snuffing out the hopes and dreams of millions caught in the vortex of civil wars and roiling political crisis in those affected nations, with no one calling the West to order and restraining it from its blatant interference with the domestic affairs of other nations as mandated by the UN Charter.

While these crisis have needlessly claimed millions of lives in the affected countries on year to year basis, the humanitarian disasters and sufferings of internally displaced persons (IDP) and refugees fleeing to relative safety in neighboring countries present permanent reminders of the terrible effects of these western-sponsored political crisis in developing countries. They also present permanent scars on the conscience of the West and their local surrogates who are used to set in motion this chain reaction.

According to report by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) UNHCR Report, more than 45.2 million people were in a situation of displacement in 2012. This figure includes 15.4 million refugees, 937,000 asylum seekers and 28 million people forced to flee within the borders of their own countries. Mind you these figures do not include human casualties, lost properties and incomes and shattered dreams.

Said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and head of UNHCR, António Guterres:

“These truly are alarming numbers. They reflect individual suffering on a huge scale and they reflect the difficulties of the international community in preventing conflicts and promoting timely solutions for them.”

It’s instructive to observe in this connection that international legal instruments such as the 1949 Geneva Convention Relating to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, ratified by 181 states and its additional protocols and the Humanitarian Law designed, at least in theory, by the UN to protect non-combatant civilian populations in conflict situations, have been observed more in the breach than in compliance by warring factions, including those sponsored by the West.

The West couldn’t be bothered. And as we have seen in the Libyan and Syrian crisis and others, the West quietly looks the other way whenever its proxy militant fighters are caught committing horrendous, blood chilling human rights violations in these conflicts, while propagandizing and blowing out of proportions the violations committed by the other parties; all in a bid to turn world public opinion against its enemy parties. Talk about double standards.

It’s needless to add also that the deleterious effects of these destabilization plots go well beyond the borders of directly affected nations; and, like cancerous tumors quickly metastasize into regional conflagrations (as recently witnessed in the so-called “Arab Spring” turned “Arab Winter”) earlier celebrated gleefully in the West, that consume whole regions outside the Western hemisphere, only for the West to shed crocodile tears by rushing in so-called “humanitarian aids” to the victims of its plots and beaming same to the world to see as the ultimate “Good Samaritan.”

It is standard operating procedure of the West: It sets the house on fire and then turns around and presents itself to the world as the firefighter putting out the fire and catering to the needs of the victims of the fire.

Armed with her huge propaganda machine and dotting media, the destroyer then transforms herself in the eyes of its disoriented and suffering victims, into the great humanitarian, liberator, and savior, who is out to look out for them!

Western propaganda machinery is so powerful because it utilizes all the elements of modern communication and psychological warfare to mesmerize its victims, of course in addition to the traditional stick and carrot diplomacy that goes with it. Propaganda softens the ground for military hardware to move in and finish the job which is critically important to the success of military campaigns and the destabilization plot itself.

Of course western propaganda messages and imagery could easily drown out the voices of opposition to the Western destabilization plots. It’s not so surprising therefore how the world could be so easily fooled by the West.

This is why developing nations at the receiving end must invest not just in military systems but in information dissemination systems as well to a high degree of effectiveness because global public opinion matters in these matters and could make all the difference between standing tall and falling down hopelessly and lying prostrate like Libya and Iraq, to western destabilization plots. That’s why media reporters were embedded in combat units in the war in Iraq in order to influence global and local public opinion and the outcomes.

To put it bluntly, propaganda matters, hell it does! And the earlier developing countries realize this the better and safer for them to stand against the western bull dogs prowling their nations.

Now while these affected regions are suffering the untoward effects of these destabilization plots by the West, sapping their energies and valuable but meager resources deployed to stabilize their regions, growth and development in these nations and regions is summarily arrested and brought to a screeching halt leading to periods of prolonged economic and social recession in those regions, which in turn predisposes them to turn to the West for economic salvation, of course, with the usual cultural strings attached; they must open their nations to the vile cultural influences of the West to get aids.

It’s in the interest of the West to promote this vicious cycle elsewhere because it not only puts her on the driver’s seat, it makes her the undisputed ruler; in fact, the sole dictator in the world before whom all other regions must bow. This is the game being played by the West. And there is no effective push-back but for the Chinese and the Russians, so far.

Like these nations, and to some extent, India, have demonstrated, developing nations must resist dictation from the West and push back as well as forcefully as possible, and not allow themselves to be lectured by the West like some school boys, after all these regions had a proud past and civilization that rivaled that of the West in the not-so-distant past when the West was still wallowing in the Dark Age.

And more importantly, they must speak out against Western sponsored moral aberrations, otherwise extreme groups like Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram will exploit the moral leadership vacuum created to wreak havoc not only on the West but on their countries as well as we have seen in recent times, for nature abhors a vacuum and in this case, silence might not be all that golden. A moral vacuum this big will definitely be exploited by concerned elements in society wherever it occurs.

I have used the word “extremists” here carefully and advisedly not in the sense used by western media but in a relative sense because those fighting to uphold and preserve their traditional values for posterity against foreign invasion and attacks are anything but extremists even if their methods could sometimes be extreme. Why because they’re fighting the good fight simultaneously being waged even in western capitals as well. Or what did you think the Tea Party in the United States and conservatives in the West in general are fighting for?

It’s the same battles only with different methods, and guess what, they too are being called extremists by the liberal media and liberal Democrats. And guess what, even ignorant hacks call them extremists too. So don’t worry about those names being thrown around with reckless abandon by the liberals because the liberals, who are destroying our traditional values will seek to destroy those fighting to uphold and preserve them as well.

It’s the quickest and easiest way to destroy the traditional values we seek to preserve. It’s a no brainer. Therefore their vile attacks should be taken as a compliment and badge of honor. Western liberal media has long sold its soul to Satan and redemption is not in sight for it. That said, it’s the locusts who seek to destroy our cultural heritage that must be made to account for their actions, and account they must one way or another, not those who fight to preserve it, who deserve nothing but accolades as worthy cultural warriors.

Thus while the West continues to grow and develop in peace the other destabilized regions of the world are condemned to stagnation in pieces. It has exactly the same effects on the affected nations as colonialism and slavery that preceded it, once did. And that may very well be the strategic formula of the West to hold down other regions while she gets on and remains on the front row in the global development competition.

These victimized nations and regions have been set back several decades and will have to play catch up with other regions that have moved ahead while they’re still fighting for survival of their nations, and by extension, their regions. How in the world could a nation or region fighting for survival develop?

How in the world could their young ones go to school and acquire new knowledge to power their economies and societies while they stay huddled together in UN refugee camps with missing parents and relatives, sick and malnourished and barely hanging on to their dear lives? And how in the world could their parents, even if alive, engage in any meaningful economic activity with their families torn apart by the logic of war and crisis, and in tatters? In fact, how could life go on under such harrowing conditions? Impossible!

Yet this is the cruel fate that the West has imposed on the rest of the world and has gotten away with because it has positioned itself as the good cop trying to bring the bad guys in the neighborhood to justice without being invited by anybody in the first place, but going in on its own to foment crisis in other lands.

Let’s face it: this is a competitive world and that means fair and foul means would be pressed into service by the unscrupulous competitors. A people who could enslave and colonize others on the basis of bogus claim to cultural superiority would have no compunction replacing raw slavery and colonialism with less direct intrusive political destabilization plots to attain the same results.

This is why this phenomenon is referred to in certain informed quarters as “Neo-colonialism,” or “Neo-imperialism,” and you better believe it for what it is, especially third world leaders, who are forever looking for so-called development aids, and other beggarly fawning before the West, because it is real and present danger to their sovereignty and political independence.

As I opined in one of my previous articles, Africa, nay developing countries, do not need crumbs from the masters’ tables, but a high dose of capitalism, and those nations like China, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, even Russia, and others that have taken this lesson to heart, are reaping the rewards bountifully, economically and culturally, without necessarily being at the beck and call of the West and thus maintain their political independence and social and cultural integrity without dictation from the West.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that it’s those nations that have successfully warded off the menacing Western beast that have witnessed growth and development while those that fell prey to it wallow in economic, social, and cultural stagnation. The take away from all of this is: Stay Strong! or, as Floridians in the US would prefer to put it, “Stand Your Ground!” That’s means acquiring military, economic, scientific and technological powers by any means necessarily in order to liberate and shield themselves from the western bullies.

Now the question is: how is it that the West is able to do this to other regions of the world without suffering the same or similar fate itself, and what weapon (s) does it use? The answer to this question is that the West, having emerged as the most dominant hemisphere in near complete control of the UN in the last two centuries or so, has been able to use its position to advance its cultural agenda of aggressively promoting so-called “western values” across the globe unquestioningly.

This, the West has done in the absence of any serious cultural challenge or counterpoise to its claims from any quarters on the world stage. So it’s left to roam wild prancing, prowling and pouncing like the lone lion in the jungle, but the ground is gradually shifting away from under her feet.

No other regions of the world is pushing its values as the West does on the world stage. They’re too consumed by internal crisis and conditions including, of course, poverty to promote cultural values on the world stage and so make themselves sitting ducks for the West to pick.

And we must also not forget the fact that the West has a virtual monopoly until recently on modern technologies with which it pushes its agenda straight onto the world stage virtually unchallenged. All of these advantages it had enjoyed over other regions have been fully pressed into service to undermine and suppress other cultures to its advantage while publicly promoting tolerance, accommodation and diversity.

So when you ask, what about other values? Why is the rest of the world not promoting their values on the world stage the same way as the West does? The answer could be found in the fact that the West has, through the UN, and its powerful propaganda machinery succeeded in demonizing other values that are different from its own, as barbaric and inhumane and gotten the UN to declare them as such and thereafter proceeded to designate its values as “universal values” while working to eliminate other competing values from the world stage, having thus been denied support and recognition by the UN.

This is the reason why the West has flatly refused to expand the UN Security Council to bring in other nations from other parts of the world in order to give voice to other regions. You would think that the West that prides itself as the champion of democracy and fair play would jump at the idea of democratizing the UN Security Council, but no, it’s opposed to it for fear that it could dilute its hold on power at the world stage with which it imposes its will and values on other nations and regions of the world.

And so the entire continent of Africa which is by far bigger than Europe, is not represented at the UN Security Council while Europe alone has two members. The entire Arab world is not represented at the UN, while the West alone has three out of five permanent members. How is that for fairness and equality, uh? How is that for equal representation? And how is that justice?

These questions must continue to dog the West until they’re fully and satisfactorily answered. Until then all the platitudes from the West about democracy, equality and fair play, is nothing but hollow ritual and sheer baloney. It’s not even a question of unequal representation, we are talking about here; rather, it’s a question of no representation at all at the UN Security Council. Yet all nations and regions are supposed to be equal, or are they not? You, the reader of this piece be the judge, for what is good for the goose ought to be just as good for the gander, right?

Now the West has denied other regions these rights under the bogus excuse that they’re not democratic; again using its own value judgment to deny others their legitimate rights. Since when has UN membership been based on a nation’s democratic credentials? It’s all a bunch of baloney spun to maintain the status quo of inequality, inequity and unequal representation at the UN while they run around lecturing others about these same values.

How anybody that is anybody listens to the West’s spin doctors and their local hacks mouthing these platitudes is beyond me, including I must add, our so-called leaders who look up to the West for inspiration rather than developing their own home grown developmental pathways in consonance with their own cultural dictates and preferences; again as Russia, China, India, and other developing nations are doing.

Was the former USSR democratic? What about China? Is it democratic in the western sense of the word even to this day and age? Are they not bona-fide UN and, in fact, UN Security Council members too, for crying out loud? Yes of course they’re fully fledged, respected members of the UN and the Security Council.

Does the West do business with them? Yes of course, the West is tripping over itself to do business with China and Russia. Why because these two are powerful nations that the West cannot push around like most African and other developing nations around the world. Power is and will always be the key to opening the door to true political independence, dignity and self-respect, for as it is for individuals so it is for nations as well.

Powerful individuals and nations are not pushed around by others, rather they get to push others around, if they choose to, whether they do it consciously and deliberately or subconsciously.

The West should be called to account for its preachment and be made to practice what it preaches to others good conscience. After all charity, they say, begins at home. Why preach fairness and equality to others while denying the same to others? It’s the big moral question of our times and the UN should be ashamed of itself for being a willing tool of the West. It’s not called NATO or EU, but UN! It must answer its true name and be truly representative of all cultural traditions rather than colluding with the West just because it gets most of its funding from it, to make its culture the universal culture. Who says?

Western values formed the basis of the UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 to which it then forced on other nations the same way it’s trying to ram same sex marriage down the throat of other nations. Once it has invented a new value, it proceeds to promote it universally and attempts to force it upon weak nations.

Today, it’s same-sex marriage, tomorrow it will be pot (marijuana) that will be promoted as “civil right” and imposed on the world regardless of cultural differences, religious and value systems. Here as I have done elsewhere, I must place on record my appreciation of the position taken by President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and others in Africa and elsewhere in signing the law banning same-sex marriage in Nigeria and for standing up to the evil machination of the present US administration by promoting this egregious immorality.

In case the reader is not up to speed on the pot issue, it has since been legalized in the United States since last year in several states, just like same-sex marriage, and the Obama administration has bluntly refused to enforce federal laws banning them leaving the states to do as they wish without fear of federal reprisals again just as the administration refused to enforce the federal law banning same sex marriage called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed under the Clinton administration and even went to court to help liberals kill it.

And it’s only a matter of time that the entire United States will come under the sway of pot and other narcotics legally. Another industry is born and the capitalists are already counting the billion dollars they will reap from the new industry as pot farms and shops are springing up like mushrooms all over the states.

In fact, as I write this, Obama’s AG, Eric Holder is set to announce rules in aid of pot industry banking transactions in a deliberate move to circumvent the federal law banning pot. Here below is Eric AG Eric Holder on Pot:

“You don’t want just huge amounts of cash in these places. They want to be able to use the banking system,” Holder said during an appearance at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. “There’s a public safety component to this. Huge amounts of cash—substantial amounts of cash just kind of lying around with no place for it to be appropriately deposited is something that would worry me, just from a law enforcement perspective.”

And before him here was his boss, Obama himself talking up marijuana (pot) in a recent interview that has irked federal law enforcement agents some of them have spoken out against Obama’s pot friendly revelation reproduced here verbatim:

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.”

Yes Obama smoked pot admittedly, and “drank heavily” by his own words and he wants pot declared a civil right, doesn’t he?  This is the societal destruction that liberals are promoting in the West. It’s all civil rights real or perceived, and religion and morality could go to blazes!

What religion? What morality?, they will be sure to ask.  Religion and morality that deny people the right to enjoy pot and cocaine? What an inhumane religion and morality! These western liberals will come screaming to the rest of the world and make them look bad and inhumane. It’s the true and tested propaganda strategy that has worked for them it time and again of course with the UN backing it, because the rest of the world is too timid to counter it.

True religion and morality are of course doomed in the West why because a new religion and a new morality have been invented to replace the old. After all didn’t the Bible itself say that old things shall pass away?  It’s just that these are not the new things we asked for but are being imposed on us nevertheless. I’m as mad as hell as you are and rightfully so.

This is not what the Bible means, but this is how it’s coming out leaving Christians, moralists, and traditionalists alike profoundly in a state of disbelief and confusion. And what’s more, there are several Christian denominations in the West that have signed up to the new liberal Christianity that promotes these sexual perversions and moral aberrations as the new gospel under the guise of equality and compassion with which they suck in unsuspecting Christian. Christianity, or I should rather say Christianity in the West, is doomed.

Christianity is now at the crossroads and in a virtual civil war within its ranks as western liberals seek to turn it upside down and remake it in their own warped and demented image and thereafter proceed to impose the diseased product on the rest of the world, as usual, with UN support. And while it has resisted the new liberal gospel thus far, even as other denomination have succumbed the Catholic Church under the present Pope appears to be giving the Western liberals a listening ear with his recent attack on capitalism and other liberal friendly statements.

I make bold to state that once the Catholic Church falls under the pretext of modernization as the liberal media is urging on her, it’s all over for Christianity, and the clarion call will ring out: “To Your Tents Oh Israel!” as Christianity goes down under the barrage of liberal bombardments. As one African Bishop puts it, it’s the world changing the church rather than the church changing the world. It’s role reversal under our very own eyes! What a tragedy for Christianity!  Liberals in the West are already predicting the end of religion, of course, they’re referring to Christian religion in the West or some watered down version of it, if it survives.

This is happening because the West has since abandoned its age-old traditional religious and cultural roots leaving true Christians in complete disarray unable to tell the difference between sin and righteousness as their clergy cave in one after another to their utter dismay and disbelief. It’s the liberal plague, much like the Bubonic plague that once ravaged Europe that’s in full bloom in the West ravaging, not just the West but the entire world, because if it’s good for the West, it must be darn good for the rest of the world.

The reality though is, as the Americans would rather put it, it ain’t good for nobody, including the West. Immorality cannot be good for any society, whether or not it’s dressed up in the garb of civil right and human compassion.

Which begs the question: what gives the West the right and wisdom to dictate to others what is good or bad for them?  The straight answer is, it has no right whatsoever to do so. As the attorney would say, I rest my case against the West and leave the rest for the Judges.

Franklin Otorofani is a US-based Nigerian trained attorney and public affairs analyst whose articles have appeared in several newspapers, magazines, and blogsites.

contact: mudiagaone@yahoo.com