

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


January 2014

The West and the Rest of the World—Effects of Political Destabilization In Developing Countries/Regions


The mind searing evidence is all over the map except Europe and North America, otherwise known as the Western hemisphere. Political turmoil in Libya, Egypt and Ukraine; civil war in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq; and sundry political crisis everywhere else in between around the world except in the West. Continue reading “The West and the Rest of the World—Effects of Political Destabilization In Developing Countries/Regions”

Obama Blames His Low Job Approval Rating by Fellow Americans on Race!

White House

For the record, according to the latest Gallop public opinion polls conducted January 14-16, 2014, released a few days, United States’ President Barack Hussein Obama’s job approval rating currently stands at 39% against 53% disapproval, his lowest ever. Americans have, in the same Gallop poll, written off 2013 as one of the worse years in their lives and worse off economically than they were the year before, 2012, and therefore happy to see it go. Continue reading “Obama Blames His Low Job Approval Rating by Fellow Americans on Race!”

Caught in His Own Spyweb, Obama Backtracks on NSA’s Grand Security Surveillance Scheme—But Read Between the Lines

By all accounts acknowledged even by President Obama himself in his recent end of year press briefing, 2013 proved itself as one of the, if not the most difficult year for the Obama administration on several fronts. Continue reading “Caught in His Own Spyweb, Obama Backtracks on NSA’s Grand Security Surveillance Scheme—But Read Between the Lines”

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