

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


October 2013

Obamacare Boondoggle Latest: Democrats Demand Halt in Implementation as Things Fall Apart.

–Otorofani Global Analytics–

“No one is madder about the Web site than I am, which means it’s going to get fixed.”—President Barrack Obama

It was only some two weeks ago that President Barrack Obama and Democrats in Congress flatly refused to negotiate Republican offer in the House of Representatives to delay the implementation of the individual mandate in the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare, calling those opposed to it “terrorists and hostage takers” in one of the most disgraceful outbursts in US legislative history, which had forced Senator Majority Leader, Harry Reid, to apologize later on the floor of the Senate. Continue reading “Obamacare Boondoggle Latest: Democrats Demand Halt in Implementation as Things Fall Apart.”

The Nigerian Experience: Reflections, Thoughts and Perspectives in Nation Building

–Otorofani Political Commentaries–

In general and regardless of particular nomenclature, political or constitutional conferences, as the case may be, usually antedate rather than postdate the founding of the nations to which they directly relate. This would appear self-evident enough because political and constitutional conferences are supposed to and indeed provide the basic frameworks for the new political entities they seek to establish for the first time. Continue reading “The Nigerian Experience: Reflections, Thoughts and Perspectives in Nation Building”

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