

Otorofani Global Affairs Commentaries


September 2013

Divide and Rule Political Stratagem: Obama & Democrats Fishing in Racial Waters (1)

–Otorofani Global Analytics—

Like other Nigerians in the Diaspora and black people in the United States, I have been following very closely the political careers of two black presidents currently on the stage, namely; Jonathan and Obama, particularly in the field of their presidential accomplishments in office or lack thereof. Continue reading “Divide and Rule Political Stratagem: Obama & Democrats Fishing in Racial Waters (1)”

War Drums on Syria: Culmination of Obama’s Foreign Policy Fiasco

–Otorofani Political Commentaries–
 It was said a long time ago by a famous philosopher that the only thing required for evil to thrive and flourish is for good men to remain silent in the face of it. The timid world remained silent when the megalomaniacal German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, began his murderous campaigns of world domination until it was too late after millions had perished. It begins with one demon possessed individual in position of power to set the word ablaze. Well, then, I consider myself a good man and therefore refuse to remain silent in the face of an emergent evil, just like other good men speaking out against Obama’s misguided attempt to set the Middle East ablaze once again on the pretext of yet unproven alleged use of chemical weapons by President Bashir Assad of Syria.
Lately, after enduring withering criticisms from his political opponents about being weak and pacifist on the foreign policy front in contrast to his predecessor, G.W Bush, in the face of the ongoing civil war in Syria, President Barrack Hussein Obama of the United States suddenly woke up one day last week to discover his mojo and now wants the world to know that he is no wimp but a military warrior and Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces as if anybody needed a reminder. He had good reasons, though, because many of his fellow citizens seemed to have forgotten that the United States still had an usually dark skinned C-in-C in the White House given Obama’s rather timid approach to military matters and his seeming obsession to downsize and downgrade the US military by gutting its budget, as evidenced, for example, in the sequester as well as in his budgetary proposals to Congress and the reduction of US nuclear arsenal, just to mention but a few. Many have accused him of “hollowing out” the military to fund his social programs of entitlement in his socialist drive. Rightly or wrongly, this has been a consistent criticism of Obama mostly by the right, which he has done everything to validate rather than disprove as president and Commander-in-Chief. Presently, US war veterans are suffering with hundreds of thousands of them without jobs and many homeless with some even committing suicide under the Obama administration. Yes, it’s that bad. There are media reports and stories of US war veterans being denied benefits. What a shame! All of these go to demonstrate Obama’s antipathy toward the military, which he now wants to use to fight his petty wars in the Arab world nevertheless. He ought to be stopped dead in his track by the American people in this military experiment. 

The alleged use of chemical weapons against civilian targets in the ongoing Syrian civil war by President Assad has, therefore, afforded Obama the opportunity to demonstrate his military credentials by threatening to bomb Syria. And he appears ready to go it alone even in the face of lack of UN authorization and refusal of the usual suspects in the west to go along with him. Britain is out, so is Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, et al, and France is wavering. Now when a bunch of known pacifists and peaceniks like the trio of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State, John Kerry, suddenly become hawkish and begin to beat war drums not because of their natural innate inclination for warmongering but because somebody is mocking Obama for being weak after being on record drawing a red line for Syrian President against the use of chemical weapons, which by the way, Obama now shamelessly denies making, it is clear that they’re up to no good, and the mission is bound to run into troubled waters and badly mismanaged, because they have no natural warrior instincts but are pretend warriors.
In contrast, when President Ronald Reagan bombed Libya in 1986 killing Gadaffi’s son in response to the Berlin discotheque bombing, he did it in a jiffy without dragging his feet and blowing hot and cold, huffing and puffing, moving forward and backwards, and changing positions overnight as Obama is doing today. In other words, he did because he had to do it as a real C-in-C, because he was responding to an attack by Gaddafi on an ally of the US, not some feel good military adventure on some nebulous humanitarian grounds, purportedly. That’s the difference between a real leader and a pretender to leadership. A vacillating leader in war matters is a weak and dangerous leader for any nation and should there be a big war in the world under Obama, theUnited States will be in deep, deep trouble indeed much like British PM Arthur Neville Chamberlain in the run up to WWII.   
Now quite apart from the merits, legality, and wisdom of his proposed attack on Syria, the action itself has lost its face value militarily, due to the dithering and indecision of Obama, allowing Assad ample time to take appropriate measures to minimize the blow if and when it eventually comes to pass, as well as for Assad allies in the region such as Iran and Hezbollah, to rally around and come to his aid. The threat from Iran against US interests in the region is indicative of probable consequences of Obama’s indecision. Had Obama quickly hit hard and left like Reagan did in Libya, we would not be here debating this, and would have been a fait accompli. And whatever debates after the fact would have been merely academic. Now, the debate is having different effect and impact, both in the US Congress and in the larger American society as well, including I might add, the international community, which Obama has failed to persuade to support him. Suddenly, he has found himself a loner and now fighting off accusations of war mongering that he is not by nature and must therefore be quite unsettling for him. The G20 meeting in Russia provided world leaders the opportunity to bash Obama, taking turns to lecture him like a school boy. He boxed himself into this corner due to sheer ineptitude and incompetence in managing the affairs of state. We have seen similar movie before play out in the Benghazi US embassy attack demonstrating the gross ineptitude and incompetence of the Obama administration in managing state affairs in times of national crisis when Obama and Hillary Clinton could not offer protection for their own ambassador and embassy building and when terrorists struck even with prior notice.
We are once again witnessing gross ineptitude and gross incompetence in full glare. One does not need to be an army general to understand that timing is of the essence as in all such situations and the element of surprise has already been lost by Obama for the Syrian strike. President Assad has had more than enough time to hide his military assets, even send them to other friendly neighbors, just like Iraq did in the first Gulf war when Saddam Hussein flew his bombers to Iran for safe keeping, as well as whip up anti-US sentiments and thereby increasing the costs of attack on the US down the road, even if not immediately. In his characteristic naïveté, Obama and his officials have handed Assad a verbal map of where and what the US will strike. One would think military targets are military secrets in a war, apparently not so for Obama. He telegraphs his targets before striking!
Of course there are fixed and immovable military assets like buildings, communication towers, roads and so on that could still be hit, including Assad’s presidential palace, but of what value are those as targets when the military hardware have been moved and secreted by Assad only to be brought back into action later? Does anyone expect Assad to be sitting duck waiting for US bombs to rain on him in his palace? What precisely is the pinprick bombing runs meant to accomplish when Assad is still in power bludgeoning the Islamist opposition into surrender in the end? This is precisely the question the US Congress and others are wrestling with that the Obama administration has failed to provide answers. All they want is to send a message to Assad. What an expensive message that will result in the death of thousands of Syrians, at least potentially, far more than the 1,400 killed by the alleged chemical attack, and the cost on the American taxpayers. Who needs such a message? What sense does it make to kills Syrians to send a message to Assad? It’s one reason why Americans are opposed to the attack, and rightfully so. 
There’s yet another downside to Obama’s dithering: the more the delay the more Obama losses credibility both at home and abroad, if he has any credibility left in him given the basket of scandals that have sapped all credibility from his administration hitherto. The fact that it’s Obama rather than Assad that’s on the defensive abroad after being asked to justify his proposed action is victory for Assad already in the public relations department even before the war begins. Obama is the one struggling to convince people about his action not Assad proving his innocence in the chemical attack. Going to war from a position of weakness both at home and abroad is courting defeat and the silhouettes of defeat are beginning to show.
Obama’s credibility is already being called into question as several commentators are taking the position that Obama suddenly pulled back and referred the matter to Congress having childishly boxed himself into a corner in order to save face. Others are saying he did that because Prime Minister Cameron lost the vote in the British Parliament and Obama was no longer keen on going it alone due to the risks involved and now wants to share the blame with Congress should thing go wrong after arrogantly declaring that he didn’t need congressional authorization to go to war. What it shows is that Obama is taking lessons from Britain and being led by David Cameron. The Brits have in fact said that much, taking credit for staying Obama’s hand after the vote in Parliament and causing him to refer the matter to the US Congress, abruptly. Either way, it shows serious weakness in leadership. Obama has not been an effective war leader either in Iraq or in Afghanistan and that’s why he’s always cutting and running. The two major wars Obama has been involved in were inherited from Bush and both have been totally mismanaged with the US cutting and running in the end. This one coming is Obama’s war, and thus far, its management even at this initial stage is not looking good either.
In view of the unenviable position Obama has put himself, therefore, there’s the possibility, in fact, probability, that should the US Congress refuse to oblige him with a war resolution he might out of sheer desperation to save face, launch a strike anyhow so as no to appear weak, which in itself, would question the legitimacy and constitutionally of such action not expressly authorized by Congress. What a weak position for a president to go to war without the backing of his country, and the express refusal of the people’s representatives in Congress! That is not a pretty position for a Commander-in-Chief to find himself, all because of war resolution mismanagement, if not the actual war itself.    
The use of banned chemical weapons in warfare by any nation is a global matter to be dealt with by the UN Security Council not one for any single nation or leader to carry on its/his head. The fact that only Obama in the entire world is running around beating war drums in the market square is, to say the least, embarrassing to his country men and women. He’s acting like a deranged man who has lost all his senses of responsibility. Unlike Bush’s war in Iraq there is no “coalition of the willing” in Obama’s proposed war in Syria. This telling set back made Obama to suddenly reverse himself after telling the world he needed no Congressional approval to launch the attack citing the War Powers Act, which permits a US president to use military force in such situations for the time being before seeking full authorization from Congress. But Bush, the much vilified US leader on account of Iraqi war adventure, went to UN and to Congress to authorize the Iraqi war with many Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, voting for the war.
However, reveling in his pacifist ideology Obama who is now suddenly hawkish Obama on the very same issue was one of those Democrats who proudly voted against the war in Iraq and promptly used that as a cudgel to bludgeon Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party Primaries. Gushing over his opposition to the Iraq war then candidate Obama taunted thus:
“On the most important national security question since the cold war, I am the only candidate who opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning.”
And that would not be the first time Obama showed his anti-war credentials. Back in a 2002 speech before the Iraqi war then Illinois senator Obama said of G.W Bush plan for war in Iraq against Saddam Hussein, a leader who, just like President Bashir Assad, was accused of gassing his own people to death. Here is Obama in his own words that are now hunting him and pricking his conscience if he has one at all:
I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of theMiddle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda.
“I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars. So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president.”
Obama doubled down on his anti-war rhetoric even during the presidential primaries. Let’s take our minds back to the 2007 US presidential election campaigns and recall what then candidate Obama said about the president GW Bush war on Iraq:
“The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
His loud mouth VP then senator Joe Biden then a presidential candidate in his own right quipped:
“The president has no constitutional authority to take this country to war… unless we’re attacked or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked,” and he even went so far as to threaten the impeachment of president Bush with him leading the charge should he fail to seek and obtain Congressional approval.”
It’s needless to add that his new French-looking Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry was himself an anti-war protester during the Vietnam War. Now as earlier stated all three individuals mentioned above are known pacifists suddenly turned hawks overnight and are now loudly beating war drums against Syria for the same exact crime of use of chemical weapons for which Obama refused to authorize war with Saddam in the US senate and had berated Hillary Clinton for. What does that tell you about the character of these three men now pushing the US into war in the Middle East yet again against the wishes of their countrymen and women? Over 70% of Americans are opposed and dead set against the war. There have been anti-war protests in US cities the types John Kerry was involved in during the disastrous Vietnam war.
Although the Democratic controlled Senate might eventually authorize the war since its committee has voted for it, feelers from the US House of Representatives indicate that it might vote against the authorization. In fact, I hear that the vote might be postponed since there are no votes for it as of today. And it’s not at all clear to me even that the full US Senate will vote for it as opposition mounts against the war daily even from Obama’s political base. A recent survey showed that a whopping 70% of Obama’s own liberal base is opposed to the war roughly the same percentage of Americans opposed to the war. And as indicated earlier, NATO has no hand in it neither is the UN Security Council, the only legal authority that can authorize the use of force against a member state like Syria as was the case with Libya. No such authorization has emanated from the UN.
So what is Obama’s authority for the war in Syria? None! At this very moment he absolutely has no legal authority whatsoever either in domestic constitutional law or in international law. Obama is the quintessential outlaw if he goes to war even with Congressional authorization because the US Congress cannot take the place of the UN Security Council in international law. In fact, I would go as far as to state that Congressional authorization, if granted, will be illegal and unconstitutional because Assad has not attacked the United States nor threatened her interests. In fact, the man Assad is fighting against sworn enemies of the United States, Al Queda surrogates and Islamists in Syria. The war with Syria is shaping up to proxy war withIran which supports Assad. Why not deal with Iran directly if Obama is serious in containing Iran’s nuclear ambitions? What is he afraid of Iran for?
No nation has the right to take the laws unto its hands to launch war against another nation in the name of humanitarian considerations without the formal imprimatur of the UN. That is tantamount to the rule of the jungle rather than the rule of law. President Obama the known pacifist until now, should not foist on the United States the label of international outlaw just because he has the means to attack at will. Nations have well established rules for dealing with international issues of war and peace and the last time I checked the UN Charter and its Conventions nowhere is it written that the UN Security Council would outsource its authority to authorize the use of force against any nation to the United States or any other country for that matter, and if there is any such provision it has not been invoked by the UN, which, on the contrary, has denied Obama the use of force against Syria. In fact, as this was going out, reports came out that the EU has told Obama point blank that while evidence (inconclusive) may have pointed to Assad in the use of chemical weapons it is not prepared to act against him without the approval of the UN Security Council. That is the way any law-abiding nations and leaders should behave as no nation or leader is above international law. It’s the rule of law not the rule of men. What part of that Obama doesn’t understand? Rule of law must be respected by all and I thank the EU for coming out strongly for it.   
And here is Russian President Vladmir Putin lecturing Obama on international law at the G20 Summit in Russia as reported by RT Online News:
 The use of force on a sovereign state is only possible if it is done for self-defense – and, as we know, Syria is not attacking the US – or under a decision made by the UN Security Council. As one participant in our discussion said, those who act otherwise put themselves outside of law.”
And here comes President Jacob Zuma of South Africa echoing similar sentiment:
“We don’t want the world to be run by individuals, but a collective in the form of the UN. I don’t know if people who are questioning our position on Syria have an alternative.”
Can you imagine Obama rendering the US an international pariah and object of scorn? What a shame! All the BRICS nations, Brazil,Russia, India, China, and South Africa are opposed to the war on Syria including Indonesia the world’s largest Muslim nation.
What is driving Obama into this? It’s geopolitics and sectarian animosities in the Arab world. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait want Assad out of power in order to promote their own version of Islam. What business has Obama in that? Obama is bent on appeasing the Saudi King before whom he once bowed on a visit to the Saudi monarch at the beginning of his presidency to the consternation of many of his compatriots. The Saudi King is one of the major forces driving this adventure against Syria using the chemical attack as pretext. That’s why Obama would not wait on the UN to establish who did it before carrying out Saudi’s orders using the US military. It’s a set up.  
And this brings me to Obama and his disastrous foreign policy. A careful analysis of Obama’s foreign policy shows a disturbing allegiance to radical Islamists. The evidence is all over the map. Those who toppled Muammar Gadaffi in Libya had Al-Queda connection and they overthrew Gadaffi with the help of the west with Obama leading from behind as France and Britain led the charge. But guess who paid for that? The United States with the attack on her Embassy and the killing of Ambassador Stephen and other US diplomatic staffs in Benghazi. Today, Libya is a shadow of its former self, a haven for terrorists that have fanned out to other parts of Africa and the Arab world and far that’s worse than Somalia. The terrorists operating in Northern parts of Nigeria, for example, have Libyan connections, no thanks to Obama’s terrorist friendly foreign policy.
When we move on to Egypt, however, the foreign policy dumbness of Obama shows in much bolder relief for all to see. Everyone knew that the Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt once President Hosni Mubarak was gone. And Obama knew what the Muslim brotherhood stood for? The very same thing Boko Haram stands for in Nigeria! These were the people Obama helped to gain power in Egypt, and what happened? They quickly moved to implement their Sharia agenda on their way to establishing an Iran-style Islamic theocracy with the US delivering grants, aids, and military equipment to them. President Morsi was Obama man in Egypt. 
It should not come as a surprise that when the people rose up again against the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt they were pouring scorn on Obama and the United States in their placards and public utterances. Just like Libya, Egypt is today in a state of total anarchy and guess what, president Hosni Mubarak toppled with the help of Obama and the west has been released from prison and democracy is back in prison in Egypt, again no thanks to Obama’s clueless foreign policy.
Syria is next. How much more dumb and clueless can a president be? Wherever you turn to, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and everywhere else in between, Obama’s foreign policy is unraveling and lacks any focus or strategic bearings. US relations with Russiaare in tatters right now and nothing to write home about with China as well. If Europe of all places could distance itself from Obama in matters like this, it’s clear indication of how fast the world is abandoning Obama, and unfortunately the United States that he’s misleading presently. And the fact that Obama had been spying on US allies in Europe and Asia could not have helped matters, either.
He jumps into wars when no one asks him to and refuses to fight when he’s asked to. He blows hot and cold at the same time like the uncertain, indecisive, and tentative leader that he has become known for. Just when everyone thought the missiles would start flying at Syria after blowing hot, he suddenly pulled back, disappointing his aides, who had prepared the nation for imminent strike in days, after telling the world he needed no congressional approval to strike Syria. Obama doesn’t show that he has the nerve for war and wants to rope in Congress in case the mission fails having boxed himself into a corner.
But will the US Congress be so dumb as to fall for this ploy? The Democratic controlled Senate might but the Republican controlled House of Reps is a different ball game. As indicated earlier, as of now the votes for authorization are not there in the House, and if that holds Obama may be compelled to got it alone or eat a humble pie for his foolery and sudden bravado when he knew he’s a pacifist to the core and not a warrior going in. He’s now acting like somebody forced him to take the decision and denying that that he ever drew a red line for Syria when everyone knew he did a year back and had been reminded of the red line time and again. He’s on record.

Syria might prove to be Obama’s Achilles Heels. Russia is moving warships there and threatening to provide Assad with anti-missile batteries that she had suspended a while ago due to western and Israeli pressures. China is opposed to the war and so are other Arab states. Only Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Kuwait, who want Assad gone in their sectarian rivalry, are urging the US invasion, and of course, the Islamist rebels who will later turn against the US as sure as night follows the day.
This is what is making some to call Obama’s action as being tantamount to using the US military as mercenary army for Saudi Arabia. And the fact that John Kerry has told Americans that Saudi Arabia would pick up the bill for the military action all but confirmed their fears. Obama, as usual, is about to go to bed with those who are butchering Christians and sacking their towns and places of worship as happened in Libya and Egypt before now and happening now in Syria. Obama’s act of helping the rebels to topple Assad is like the US helping Boko Haram to topple President Jonathan, for example, using some humanitarian excuse. It’s that clear cut. 

Why Obama is in bed with Islamists beats me hollow. Oh, I forgot he was a Muslim growing up. I didn’t know that once a Muslim always a Muslim! If that is the case then why take sides with the violent fundamentalists always who are sworn enemies of the United States? If you asked me, I would say it’s treasonable felony on the part of Obama to be supporting the enemies of the United States always in case after case with no end in sight. For a supposed Christian that Obama purports to be to always side with Islamic fundamentalists killing Christians requires closer scrutiny, because, it is to say the least, perplexing and incomprehensible. It dovetails into Obama’s ongoing war with Christianity at home in pursuit of his socialist agenda as socialism hates religion, particularly Christianity. This could well be the explanation for Obama’s bizarre and un-seeming anti-Christian behaviors while religiously going to Church on Sundays to hoodwink the unwary from questioning his faith. There’s more to Obama than meets the eyes. What a betrayal! 

In conclusion it can be seen that all the makings of a third world war are beginning to crystallize in Syria unless reason prevails in the end. It’s easy to start a war but difficult to end it once it begins and no one knows where it will lead in that volatile part of the world. Obama is about to light a match on a keg of gunpowder. Obama claims he wants to punish Assad for the 1,400 deaths in the chemical attacks the actual source of which has yet to be established before rushing to war. Who does that but someone with a preconceived agenda with no regard to the evidence and proof of culpability even while the UN is still investigating could do that sort of thing.

There are suggestions that the rebels who had been put on the run by Assad lately may have staged the chemical attack and turned around to blame it on Assad knowing it would lead the US taking action against him to the pleasure of the rebels, in which case Obama will be playing right into their hands. In this connection Russia has even provided some evidence. But who exacts punishment on anybody without first establishing guilt, seriously? Obama is practicing the rule of the jungle? No wonder the civilized world is against his pig headed adventure in Syria that even dictatorships like Iran are finding it worth their while to lecture Obama on international law.
What a sad turn irony for the United States of America. How many more deaths of the innocent is Obama willing to cause in the proposed attack on Syria? Or is he deluding himself that there will be no civilian casualties in a US strike. To seek to empower elements of Al-Queda who now undoubtedly form the bulk of the Syrian rebels on some bogus humanitarian pretext is tantamount to working with the enemies of the United States on the part of the Obama administration and I don’t see Congress approving it in a hurry given its present mood. That puts Obama in a quandary from which he will be fighting to extricate himself in the coming days and weeks.  
But wait a minute, folks: Is Obama not supposed to be a Nobel Laureate for Peace even before he was sworn in as president of the United States? What a fraudulent award! What did Obama do to qualify for that award?  Is it because he spoke against Bush war in Iraq as a potential presidential candidate as indicated above? Is that all there is to land the prize? Give me a break, Sweden! An anti-war, anti-spying, anti-government secrecy activist has been caught pants down doing the very opposite of what he had been condemning so loudly in the past. Sounds to me like the ultimate hypocrite! What more evidence does anybody need to dismiss Obama as one big phony?
Franklin Otorofani, Esq. is a Nigerian trained attorney and public affairs analyst whose writings have appeared in several newspapers and magazines.


When Dove Plays Hawk: Understanding Liberal Mindset about Warfare

– Written by Franklin Otorofani –

To say that much of the world was disappointed at Obama’s volte face on his decision to invade Syria is an understatement. Shock is the word to describe the reactions of many, including some in his inner circle and millions of his ardent supporters and admirers alike.

It’s an understandable knee-jerk human reaction without the benefit of introspection. People were disappointed and shocked, as the case my be, because they were reading his words and threats literarily at face value rather than interpreting them relative to the ideological mindset and personality of their author, President Barrack Obama of the United States. For all the sudden flares of military bravado displayed by Obama that had taken many by surprise, Obama is a liberal to the core and liberals, as a rule, do not fight wars—I mean real gritty, dirty, bloody, drag-out wars. Nope, that’s not their calling, and even wars inherited by them are quickly abandoned and move on to their social fantasies and pet entitlement projects. Woe betides any nation that goes to war with a liberal leading the charge, for defeat is certain.

Liberals are out to change the world by reversing culture and traditions and our value system and turn them upside down to suit their demented dreams and fantasies. Liberalism seeks to escape from present realities and takes flights of fantasies into social utopia where none would be poor, none would be sick, none would suffer injustice and the world would be one heck of a heaven on earth. You don’t have to live to work if you so desire but simply live off the sweat of others and have a good time doing so. That’s the destination liberals in power like Obama are moving their societies, or so they think. And we all know where that has left the United States and Europe, don’t we? Nothing to be proud of. Endless economic recession, high unemployment, and stunted economic growth at best.

Therefore, liberals fight “soft wars,” wars of a different kind—social wars about “social justice and equality—whatever that means—environmental wars about so-called global warming, the whole pallet of social issues, and fight against religion and traditional values. That’s what makes them liberals in the first place. Liberalism is the religion of the political left that rejects traditions including religious values, which it seeks to replace with its own. It’s manifesto includes but not limited to abortion rights for women in opposition to religious and traditional injunctions in which unborn babies are butchered in abortion clinics run by liberal doctors and Planned Parenthood, for instance, in the case of the United States; sexual depravities and the desecration of the sacred institution of marriage as we know it, again in opposition to religious and traditional injunctions.

They revel in feminism in which women are set in opposition to men in the name of equality, triggering off terrible repercussions resulting in single motherhood as men abandon women in marriages. Marriage as we know it is a dying institution in the United States, for example, as data from the US Census Bureau, Labor Department, and the USDA’s Family Surveys clearly indicate. Men are abandoning women in droves and going solo due to the oppressive regime imposed on them by liberals in government in the name of protecting women from men and equality. However, unable to fend for themselves the abandoned wives wind up in the bosom of Uncle Sam acting as their husband and breadwinner. Liberals are out to mess up our world with endless social engineering, turning settled societies into unsettled social laboratories where nothing is sacred and all is fair game.

Now liberals in positions of authority are busy distributing condoms in schools to minors rather than prohibiting them from indulging in sexual activities. We read with horror of babies dumped in trash bins on sidewalks by teenage mothers who themselves need parental care. Alarmed by the terrible things happening to babies some religious groups, particularly the Catholic Church has provided places (baby dumps) for dumping of unwanted babies by young girls anonymously without leaving any traces of their identities behind in order to encourage them to do so instead of dumping their unwanted babies in trash bins. But that has not entirely stopped the practice. It’s the world of liberals. Liberals have now legalized pot with several pot dispensaries sprouting up in states controlled by them, just as they have legalized same-sex marriage in those states. Sanctity of unborn life has no meaning for liberals even if the mother’s life is not at risk. It’s abortion on demand!

Liberals hate the military and wars and all that the military stands for and would rather the US military be disbanded or at least severely curtailed and divert its budget to fund their pet social entitlement programs. In fact, that’s already happening to the US military under Obama. Some 100 million Americans, a third of the entire US population, are living off the government, drawing from one social entitlement program or another, thanks to liberals, costing US tax payers over a trillion dollars annually. People are literally working, not for themselves, but for the government, as only a portion of their salaries and wages is available for them, the rest confiscated at source by the government to fund liberal programs by way of heavy taxation of those who work.

Obama, a core liberal, has heavy taxation of the rich as his pet social war, not the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria, which are distractions to him. Capitalism and free market? Not their cup of tea. They detest it like plague even as they want the rich to pay more taxes to feed, clothe, and house the poor for them to take the glory and credit on which they ride to power at the next election. Where is the money coming from, you ask? Where else? Capitalism and free market, of course, but never mind, their twisted logic runs backwards. Obama and his liberal democrats have been busy running around raising tons of cash from capitalists in the dead of night only for them to come out the next morning bashing the rich. And that’s why liberalism is a disease of the mind masked as progressivism.

War on terror, you asked? Ahaa!!! You’re right! Forget about that. Obama pretends to fight that with drones dropping bombs from the sky not with boots on the ground. He got out of Iraq faster than it took Bush to get out of the White House. Folks, I’m saying it like it is. He has no stomach for the war in Afghanistan and he’s negotiating his exit with the Talibans that are shunning his peace overtures after foolishly setting timetable for withdrawal of US troops in 2014, and you know what that means, don’t you? Back to square one.

The United States, which has a long standing policy of not negotiating with terrorists, is now actively seeking and actually negotiating peace with the Talibans, not defeating them! Yep, Obama is again cutting and running and the Talibans will be back in power having defeated the United States and NATO on President Obama’s watch. No kidding.

Now this is the same man that was itching and spoiling for a fight in Syria when no one was looking. And when the world really took notice and began to look to see how he was going to do it, he promptly turned tail and fled. No surprise, folks, it’s in the character of liberals. When a dove tries to play the hawk, it soon forgets the script and its role midstream and the play turns sour. This is what is happening with Obama in the Syrian debacle. He had been looking for an exit strategy all along having boxed himself in before realizing he had gone too far. And here comes President Putin of Russia throwing him a lifeline and he couldn’t wait to latch on to it, feeling relieved, breathing easier, even denying that he ever drew any red line for President Assad on the use of chemical weapons in the first place.

Those who understand the mindset of liberals couldn’t have missed its import. That denial issued abroad to the international community for maximum global coverage was meant to relieve him of the military burden of enforcing the red line, which translates to going to war he naturally has no stomach for and would not be forced into in a hurry. For more than a year now, real hawks like Senator John McCain of Arizona and others had been begging Obama to “do something” about Syria, but he had remained resolute in opposition to any involvement whatsoever in the war in any shape or form. Obama had studiously steered himself away from the Syrian war for two years even with tens of thousands of civilian death tolls seared in the conscience of the world; the huge refugee problems, and the attendant human sufferings. The deaths and human sufferings did not move him into action then and he was indifferent to them. Syria was not on Obama’s radar.

Just like President Bill Clinton, another liberal president, who looked on while Rwanda and Burundi were engaged in genocidal orgies in Africa, so has Obama been playing the ostrich about Syria for the past two years. Remember how Clinton, too, cut and ran when Somali war lord, General Aidid downed two US UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993? Clinton couldn’t get out fast enough! Liberals don’t stand and fight, they cut and run in real, dirty, gritty, bloody, drag-out wars. But don’t take my words for it: hear it from Obama’s own Secretary of State and anti-war protester himself, John Kerry, and Obama himself in their own words straight up from their own mouths:

Kerry in an interview abroad:

“We are not talking about war. We are not going to war. We will be able to hold Bashar Assad accountable without engaging in troops on the ground, or any other prolonged kind of effort, in a very limited, very targeted, very short-term–unbelievably small, limited kind of effort.”

Obama in an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer:

“If we can resolve this without military conflict that is my great preference because I have to tell you that I would much rather be talking about how we can provide early childhood education to our kids, create more jobs and focus on all the things I really think the American people care deeply about.”

Yep, that’s what liberals care about: the soft wars against religion and traditions and capitalism. They’re all about feminism, environmentalism, gender equality, etc, not real, gritty, dirty, bloody, drag out wars. You could see Obama in retreat in his own words, not mine. Those who don’t understand liberals misread their utterances and real intentions. Obama’s real intentions as revealed in that interview not fully reproduced here, is to simply to use the threat of military action to prevent Assad from using chemical weapons, not actually to go fight dirty and bloody in Syria, and that explains why he was blowing hot and cold at the same time. It’s the liberal mindset at work. He couldn’t help himself even if he wanted to, ingrained as it is in his DNA. What’s more, it was Obama’s own Democratic liberal base rather than Republicans that rose up against him, dithering and vacillating about the war as he was. That he brooked the idea at all was enough to agitate his liberal base into protests. Again, it’s the liberal mindset at work.

Folks, get used to it, because it will happen again, sooner than you think. And when it does, this piece is your guide to the liberal mindset. It might pretend otherwise when no one is looking, but it never strays too far from in its essentials. It’s the motive force driving Obama’s actions and his presidency.

Franklin Otorofani is a Nigerian trained attorney and public affairs analyst based in the United States.

Geopolitical Implications of US Virtual Retreat and Surrender in the Syrian Crisis

–Otorofani Global Analytics–
 In my last piece on the Syrian crisis, I wrote the following concerning Obama:
“Obama has not been an effective war leader either in Iraq or in Afghanistan and that’s why he’s always cutting and running. The two major wars Obama has been involved in were inherited from Bush and both have been totally mismanaged with the US cutting and running in the end. This one coming is Obama’s war, and thus far, its management, even at this initial stage, is not looking good either.”
Right on the money! President Obama just validated that statement. Anyone who listened to Obama’s address to the American people last Tuesday night, would have walked away shaking his head in utter disbelief at the airiness of the speech, which in and of itself, was a bundle of contradictions as analysts and media reviews have, in fact, concluded, causing many to describe the US leader as “confused,” “hesitant,” and “indecisive.” Nothing new to me: I had used similar words in the past in describing him. The Syrian rebels are seething with rage and are using similar words in describing Obama, according to media reports, and understandably so, because Obama has let them down, once again. 
It is not wise and prudent for a leader to promise what he cannot deliver on or what he would require others to deliver on. Turning to the UN after snubbing it, at the last minute after blowing hot and cold all week long in the face of defeat, betrays weakness rather than strength. This is not what he promised the rebels. This is not what he had led the world to believe all along when he drew the red line. 
All over the world, this is the emerging consensus on the US leader, poignantly brought to the fore by the Syrian crisis, which, by the way, Obama had foolishly and arrogantly brought upon himself only for him to timidly retreat from war at the last minute having put his country on edge for the last two weeks. Is this how the leader of a super power should behave? His self-righteous indignation and belated attempt to rein in Assad fly in the face of his hands off approach to the Syrian war all along in which more than 120, 000 Syrians had perished even before the gassing incident that claimed 1,400 lives. But it was hardly a surprise for yours truly, who had been studying the US leader and his actions for quite some time and had come to that same conclusion about him a long time ago. The world is only just catching up to him.
Obama is fond of throwing words around indiscriminately without thinking about their wider implications. He thinks he is inHollywood. Why draw a “red line on the sand” for Syria on the use of chemical weapons, for example, if you didn’t mean it and flatly deny it later when held accountable for the words by the media. Drawing a line on the sand means war with Assad should he use chemical weapons and that’s exactly how the media and the world saw it. A president with the nuclear button at his finger shouldn’t be throwing words around indiscriminately, recklessly, and thoughtlessly without first weighing their wider implications. Obama appears genuinely surprised that the press is holding him accountable for his own words that he might have even forgotten.
Shooting before aiming, Obama had ordered the US Navy to the Persian Gulf once again to launch an unprovoked attack on Syriaover alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad. Huffing and puffing, and bristling with righteous indignation like some bully on the bloc, he did not bother to seek war authorization from the US Congress, which was on recess then before going to war. In fact, he told his alarmed fellow citizens that he needed no such authorization from Congress before launching war on Syria.
There was nothing stopping him from carrying out his threat. He had the knife and the yam and all he had to do was cut it. Only candidate Obama could stop President Obama from pulling the trigger on Syria, and he was to do it, we were told, when he returned from the G20 summit in Russia. The whole country and the world waited with bathed breath for the missiles to start flying and smoking out Assad and his military infrastructure. He brushed aside all entreaties, thumbed his nose at the UN Security Council, and dared anyone to stop him.
Then all of a sudden, the man pulled the plug just as quickly and he suddenly remembered that the US Congress had a role to play in all US wars as constitutional imperative regardless of whether or not Congress itself had been reneging on its constitutional responsibility lately and rather outsourcing it to the executive branch sheepishly understandably so though in case of attack on the US but not otherwise in a war of convenience by a freelancing president. It was an anti-climax that has left many perplexed and dumbfounded.
A constitutional lawyers himself and one who had in the past correctly argued that a US president had no authority to go to war without congressional approval in the absence of a direct attack on the US, Obama conveniently, momentarily forgot his lessons in constitutional law only for him to retreat in haste, having lost himself in his treacherous track. He quickly dumped the whole damned thing on the lap of Congress still on recess to sort out for him.
However, with US lawmakers on recess bombarded with anti-war petitions and protests in their constituencies, Obama knew too well he had no chance of congressional approval of his war plans and the whole thing was headed for resounding defeat in the US House of Representatives led by Republicans, and the Senate led by Democrats was in no better shape either though the margin of defeat would have been much smaller in the Senate. But what would it have mattered, anyway? Defeat is defeat by whatever margin and Obama saw defeat starring him in the face and retreated before it happened in the US Congress. 
And so sensing that defeat which was already thick in the air, Obama again quickly moved to postpone the vote, claiming he wants to give diplomacy a chance! Where was diplomacy all along, Mr. President? You lost it and just found it after facing defeat in Congress? For a second time in as many weeks, Obama has pulled the plug in a matter this serious and important, thus giving the world cause to question his leadership credentials. In my last piece, I had opined that the US would be in serious trouble indeed in case of a major war involving her, with Obama leading. The world has seen it. The Commander-in-Chief shoes that Obama is wearing do not quite seem to fit snugly enough on his feet but rather looking over-sized and wobbly. He has shocked even his most ardent supporters to rethink their loyalty to him. In fact, many of them have turned against him.
Why start what you knew in your heart of heart you cannot finish?  He is acting like the school bully, who, when challenged to a fight, suddenly turns tail and walks away. President Putin of Russia is the challenger who dared Obama to strike, with Chinalooking on from the sideline, just in case Putin needed some help. Both nations moved their warships to close to Syrian waters just like the US, and Putin in particular, had threatened to supply Syria with anti-missile batteries to shoot down US missiles. It’s reason why I had characterized the development as the beginning of WWIII in my last piece. At that point, I forgot that Obama would turn tail and run as usual. These were the things weighing on Obama’s mind in addition to lack of home support, including, of course, his democratic/liberal base that was up in arms against him for betraying his anti-war pledge.
Now both Russia and China belong to BRICS, with Brazil, India, and South Africa as the other members, which is counterpoise to NATO and EU. It is to be noted that the leaders of all five nations stood firmly together in Russia opposing Obama’s war in Syria. I will not forget the picture of all five leaders holding hands to show their unity and solidity in opposition to the US. EU nations were at that summit, too, but there was no solidarity with Obama. Instead, they were distancing themselves from him like a pariah. Clearly, he was the pariah at the G20 summit.
And this raises the question: where were NATO and the EU when China and Russia were starring down the US? Why was Obama abandoned to his own fate by NATO and EU to deal with the Russian bears and the Chinese dragons, and pretty much the world alone? It is clear that Obama was intimidated out of his war footing and turned the whole thing over to Russia to handle.  Too hot to handle by himself. Many are claiming that Putin had saved Obama from himself, but there are others, including yours truly, who are of the view that Putin humiliated Obama into virtual surrender.
It’s not Assad or Putin that is in retreat and surrender mode right now, but Obama. Obama’s Tuesday night address to the nation was nothing but a surrender speech in which he was at pains to explain his handing over to Putin Syria’s chemical weapons issues, glibly calling it “diplomacy,” a euphemism for “surrender”. And all the while with the EU and NATO looking totally unconcerned and disinterested!
Both bodies are behaving this way not because Obama did not reach out to them for support, but because his outreach had been snubbed by NATO and EU leaders. Do you blame them? You can’t blame them for being war-fatigued. US had dragged these nations into costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from which they had pulled out entirely in Iraq, or in the process of pulling out in due course, in the case of Afghanistan. They’re not about to be dragged into a third war in Syria however it is sold to them by Obama. They know it’s easier said than done. There is nothing like “small war,” as the Obama team was marketing to them. And they said to him: nope, we’re not buying.
Besides, their involvement in the so-called Arab Spring that had since turned into “Arab Winter” in Libya and Egypt did not recommend yet another intervention for them. Why? The EU economies are hurting badly and therefore cannot bear the financial, emotional, and material burdens of yet another war in Syria with world powers from BRICS nations arrayed against them. So they abandoned Obama, who, by the way, had been spying on them all along through his National Security Agency (NSA) as revealed by the whistle blower, Edward Snowden, now enjoying Asylum in Russia, incidentally. So the most that came out of the EU was a statement telling Obama to back off or else go it alone, because he would not have their backs if push came to shove. Obama got the memo and promptly called off the dogs of war. And as I write this, US war ships will be sailing back to base, at least some of them even in their alert status. Practically, it’s all over with the threatened Syria war by Obama. Finito! Assad gets to remain in power to finish off the rebels with Russia’s heavy armament, which Putin had promised him while the US and the west retreat into their shells and leaking their wounds in total defeat. Period.   
With Putin and China as the arrowheads of BRICS, however, the retreat of Obama translates to the retreat of NATO and the EU whether or not both were directly involved in the Syria debacle. After all, the US is the head of NATO.
The implications of this development are deep and far reaching for both NATO and the EU. The most obvious implication is the vanishing of the uni-polar, and the emergence of a bi-polar world comprised of NATO and EU on the one hand, and BRICS, on the other. As Europe and the US economies and, therefore, their global influence are in decline, and those of the BRICS nations are on the rise, US and EU/NATO foreign policies will, per force, have to be adjusted to accommodate the realities on the ground accordingly. There is a reason why Americans are opposed to Obama’s warmongering even if half-hearted. They’re not taking chances with another war. Obama himself won the presidency on the promise of ending all wars the US was involved in and concentrate on “nation building at home”. He has done neither, seriously, and instead getting the US into Libya, and now Syriaeven with unfinished jobs in Afghanistan and Iraq. How much more can the Americans people take in the face of high unemployment, huge debt overhang, and at best, tepid economic growth under Obama?
If Americans are opposed to war, Europeans are even more so. Deep in recession, the last thing on their minds is war that could plunge their economies deeper into depression. The UK Parliament’s rejection of PM Cameron’s attempt to come to Obama’s aid in Syria eloquently testifies to that mindset. It’s natural. Who would want to go to war on empty stomachs?  A more experienced and competent leader not given to Hollywood celebrity inanities like Obama would have made all the difference between a retreating US and an assertive Russia on the one hand, and a non-committal EU and NATO, on the other hand.
Franklin Otorofani, Esq. is a Nigerian-trained attorney and public affairs analyst.


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